Summer Ending Recruiting Advice


With the summer winding down, there are 3 big events that impact this area. The Best of Maryland, The Maroon and White and finally the ACADEMIC ELITE. So I want to pass along some advice to everyone.

First the summer recruiting period DOES NOT END WITH JULY. There are plenty of College Elite camps for ALL LEVELS TAKING PLACE. These camps allow you to continue to play in front of coaches. I will say it again..Anytime you can play in front of coaches DO IT… TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS

Next do not be afraid to call coaches. It does not make you appear desperate or pushy. Just the opposite… it makes you look interested and coaches LOVE THIS. Most parents and kids are afraid to call out of fear of rejection…what’s better? Knowing or not knowing. Please don’t listen to third party conversations…rarely or ever are they accurate

If you are a Junior or a Senior without a offer or real interest. Personal letters and contacts with your inner circle is a form of serious interest…NOT UN-OFFICIAL VISITS. REAL INTEREST IS COACHES SETTING UP OFFICIAL VISITS, asking for transcripts…visiting your home…..You must accept that you must do more on YOUR OWN AND BE AGGRESSIVE.


Next what are you doing to prepare for the end of summer? Do you have a highlight video? Do you have newspaper clipping to send to coaches?  Or will you be out of sight and out of mind…keep your name recognition rolling. Unless a college has offered you, trust me coaches have short memories.

If you are a Junior or Senior, have you spoken to the head coach or  THE STAFF RECRUITING  COORDINATER? Do not under estimate this because asst coaches fight over whose recruits are better …Everyday

Next have you checked your information? Are you listed in the coaches package correctly at Maroon and White? Is your year of graduation correct? Coaches call me all the time with …”I didn’t know she was just a junior or senior” or I didn’t know she played at such and such school. Is your contact infomation correct? Are you sure everyone you listed is a fan of yours?…now pay GOOD attention to that one folks…because these words are spoken everyday…”She is good but look at Suzy”

Finally while you should not panic. If you are a junior or a senior, without a offer or not have a college you like. But yet not at Academic Elite ….you are being advised very poorly. Anytime you can be seen in a setting where someone is advocating for you…GET THERE.




While some top players may miss some of the Maroon and White lets hope they make it back….not for themselves but for all the kids who did this for them in the past…GREAT PLAYERS DRAW COACHES EYES….

MANY have benefited from other drawing  college coaches eyes to Academic Elite…the Sam Clark’s, KC Chambers,the Christa Evans, Grace Stant’s for example and I can go on forever Attended ACADEMIC ELITE to help others..they had there scholarships…keep this tradition alive for those behind’s called helping others reach there dreams…nobody gets there by themselves…

MAROON AND WHITE DAY 2 thoughts and feature game BLOG

ACADEMIC ELITE..IS FRIDAY JULY 31th…check our home page for address, times and registration

[email protected] if you have questions



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