I walk into the Hoop Group gym and there she is, like she everyday. She has a ball in her hand. She always has this look of determination on her face. When i look in eyes eyes I see this fire I can’t explain. I just know it scares me, the thought of letting her down. That’s because there is not one thing you ask her to do, she won’t . There are no limitations in what she will do. No number of shots she won’t take or make. No limit of hours she won’t stay in the gym. SHANNON HEINE REFUSES TO TAKE A SHORT CUT. You see her dreams mean to much. She can’t even think or Imagine them not coming true. That’s because she’s come to far, worked to hard and put up with too much disrespect.

Shannon Heine knows what its like to be dismissed. She knows what it’s like when your parents don’t play the political game to give you a edge. She knows what its like to work harder than everyone else, produce more and give more, only to be kicked to the side by friends, coaches and trainers. That’s because she had a front row seat watching her older sister Georgia Heine, live though it all. So Shannon has witnessed it all; but she also has seen what happens when you see the journey though. She watched her sister get the biggest reward of all… a date with the U OF PENN. Shannon knows when you work hard and never back up. Anything is possible regardless of the road blocks. Shannon Heine like her older sister did is betting on herself. Because she knows the bitterness of today … taste so much sweeter at the end of the journey

The 2025 Shoreshots are a team with tons of D1 players and lots of status, swag and egos. Shannon Heine is part of f this team. Two years ago everyone may have been asking, why? That’s because she was as they say “a body on the roster” . The shoreshots also did not exactly treat her older sister GEORGIA with much love and respect. So not much was expected from Shannon and she most likely didn’t expect much from them. Shannon could have very easily left the shoreshots and found a nice cushy home. She could have done what most kids do in her spot .. run from the smoke. The problem is Shannon believed in herself, way more than some others may have believed in her. Thats why these days Shannon Heine way not have the reputation of others but she has a game that keeps growing by leaps and bounds. Its why these days she is a starting guard on the powerhouse 2025 Shoreshots.

Last year Shannon was a freshman at powerhouse MANASQUAN HIGH SCHOOL. A team with 4 D1 starters returning. A team stacked with D1 players up and down the roster. A team with a loaded freshman class and talented 8th grader class behind her. I told her mother Shannon wouldn’t play. I told her mother, Bernie she was bad at playing the political game that take place in high school sports. I told her maybe Shannon was in for a tough road. Shannon on the other hand didn’t care what I thought. She had never ducked the smoke or ran away for competition and wasn’t about to start now. She also wanted to play with her best friend; her sister Georgia. Shannon knows way to well about fighting and earning things in this game of ours. She plans to do exactly that at Manasquan. She plans to play so well the coaches have to play her… history says its exactly what she will do

Shannon has gotten bigger and stronger these days. She also has gotten much more confident. These days it’s not enough for Shannon to be part of it. She wants to be impactful, change the game and be thought as one of the best players in her class . That why when she lit it up in Kentucky she was so happy. When she came home from the HGSL after winning the Chip, she can home went to camp for 6 hours and then shot for a hour after. Thats because she afraid, she scared of thought of not doing enough. It makes her shake in her sneakers the thought of not doing her best and reaching for the stars. Shannon Heine is leaving no rock unturned, its film, its shooting, its working out, its going to camp, its in the weight room. IT’S WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET THE JOB DONE….
I want to tell you a story. During the height of Covid Rob Kennedy told me 60 kids for the NBS CAMP … no exceptions. He was very concerned for the safety of the kids and was not bending. So NBS was invite only. I told Shannon as a 7th grader, she could come do tbe drills but I didn’t let her play in games. She was upset and cried when I broke up for teams and games. Her mother who never complains came to me upset. I admit am not good when it comes to parents. So i said a few words I wish I could take back to her mom. I thought that would be the last I see of Shannon Heine and her mom. Instead not only did Shannon come back but she worked twice as hard. She gave me the cold shoulder, but she worked her ass off. She wantrd to show me…”if you don’t believe in me I don’t give a shit … because I believe in myself”. It’s why Shannon Heine has big wonderful days waiting ahead… by the way the others kids who were not invited? Well they and there parents are still calling me names and haven’t been seen since…. NOW YOU GET THE PICTURE 💪👏😄💕