I honestly feel some kids roads are different. The odds are stacked against some kids because of their environment or their culture and sometimes there ego. There was a time not long ago we could say. If your good enough they will find you. I like to think that is still true. But there are still road blocks that some kids have to overcome in order to become good enough and to be seen. But the kid and the family must be willing to make those sacrifices.KACI MIKULSKI of Wildwood Catholic High School in South Jersey is making those sacrifices.💕👏

Its easy if you live at the Jersey Shore to find competitive basketball. It’s easy to find Division One competition. It’s everywhere you turn. If you want attention and hope to build your name recognition. No place provides more of that, than the Shore Conference. If a player wants to develop and get quality coaching. Well their is simply nothing like the shore. When you live in the shore you simply wake up drive 30 mins and you are in the hot bed of girls basketball in all of America. Not everyone is so lucky. You see if you live in South Jersey and hope to join those few who play at the highest level of college basketball. You got your work cut out for you. You don’t see or play against elite D1 competition daily. College coaches don’t flock to your games. There is no hype machine working overtime for you. The odds are not in you favor to start. But some kids are just driven and hungry for development and competition and refuse to be denied. Kaci Mikulski is exactly that kid. She has seen other kids from Wildwood Catholic be successful and get to the next level, even the D1 level. So she knows it’s possible… and she plans on doing exactly the same thing and nothing is going to stop her it seems.
KACI MIKULSKI, showed up at NBS this summer. Like a lot of kids, she was trying to make a name for herself. So often kids stay in there environment. Do well and that is enough for them. The parents protect them and let them believe they are shinning bright. The ego can also be dangerous to a kids development and prevent them from fulfilling their dreams. When Kaci Mikulski was at NBS camp this summer the first thing I noticed was her swag. She had a real belief in herself. There seem to be no fear in her game. Her athletic ability shocked me as did her shooting ability. She had a quick, deadly jumper. Her handle was real and you could tell she loved the game of basketball. So much that she drove two hours to camp. Then crashed at friends houses all week. Just to be part of NBS and challenge her game. She wanted to know where her game stood against the best without a Parachute. She wanted truth and she wanted coaching. Kaci Mikulski overcame the first hurdle when your not in a elite basketball environment. She traveled and then she put her game to the test. She needed to see and feel truth because she needed to know what it took to get to the next level.

Last summer I watched a lot of tape of Kaci playing. I called her AAU coach Mary Beth Chambers and told her I liked Kaci. Then as the summer went forward I noticed Kaci getting better and better. It was clear to me, she had a chance to be a very good player. But I also knew it would be back to South Jersey in the fall. I knew her mega talented and highly respected high school coach was not allowed to train her(another of NJ BAD RULES). I knew there is no high level competitive training in her area. She would basically be doing individual workouts, playing pickup vs a few good athletes and shooting. I figured she be like most kids in her area, where it’s mostly multi sport athletic kids who lives don’t revolve around basketball. I figured she play locally ands then play for her high school team in some type fall league while waiting for the December start to her high school season. But I was wrong about Kaci Mikulski, she wanted more and did more. At the end of the day all kids say they want it. But the truth of the matter is, more often than not… MORE IS SAID AND LESS IS DONE... well in the case of Kaci Mikulski, more is done and more is getting done.
They say the hardest thing to do in sports is to show up everyday. So when Kaci Mikulski shows up 6 days a week it blows my mind. When she arrives at Hoop Group for after school shooting and then stays for Point Guard School it amazes me. That because she drives two hours one way for her workouts. Then has to go home and do homework. When she arrives at NBS at 7am in the morning on weekends, it amazes me because she has to wake up at 4.30 in the morning. There clearly is nothing Kaci Mikulski won’t do to challenge her game and to get better. She is willing to make all and any sacrifice to reach her goal of being the best player she can be. It’s what separates her from others in her situation. She is unwilling to let her environment stop her from reaching her goals as a player.🔥

Shore Adopted players are always different. I consider Kaci, Shore adopted. That’s because she trains and has the mentality of a Shore player. I really can’t think of a Shore adopted kid who wasn’t successful or did not make their dreams come true. I really can’t think of one. Kaci Mikulski is going to be successful. I told her last week “I think your going to be a D1 basketball player” She looked at me and said “you really think so” I said yes! That’s because any kid doing what she is doing is going to keep getting better. Any kid with this amount of passion and commitment can only make their dreams come true.

Kaci Mikulski, is a different type kid. She is highly skilled, has a high basketball IQ and has a competitive nature. She is a coaches dream because of her work ethic. She could be like so many other kids in her situation. Wait around for their AAU season and hope to have a great high school season. Then sit around hoping someone notices them. Instead she has jumped into the belly of the beast. She has been on the hard road to glory… Kaci will get there because she will have it no other way. KACI MIKULSKI is a great example of what happens when talent and hard work meet… DREAMS COME TRUE!💪👌
After School Shooting TODAY .. followed by POINT GUARD SCHOOL AT 4.30…