Sometimes it’s Perfect symmetry. Like yesterday when Destiny Adams and Erika Porter both scored their 1000th point together on the same night. They’re teammates on the same powerhouse exodus team. They both are being recruited by the best schools in the country. But more than that… their families are what is good about high school sports.

Destiny Adams was special from the first day you watched her play. The only thing special about Erika was her smile the first time I saw her play. Two players with different Journeys to 1000 points. One a star from day one now fulfilling all her promise. The only one taking the long road to greatness,. Both receiving the support one needs to become part of that rare 1000 point club at every school. Both Destiny and Erika had cheerleaders along the way. Those people would drop anything at a dime and make any sacrifice for them. Erika Porters mother we call a super mom because that’s exactly what Janice Porter is. She has made every sacrifice a mother can make for a daughter. Her sister is her best friend and is that rock of trust. . Destiny Adams family is so tight nothing could break that bond. Her sisters are her best friends. Her young brother hopes to be what she is on the court now. Destiny Adams has a support system like no other. It’s why she has lived up to the hype bestowed upon her 3 years ago.

Erika Porter was not suppose to where she is today. She is not suppose to be recruited by the best basketball programs and schools in the country. She is not suppose to player of the year in the Skyline Conference as a junior. But her she is doing all this. It’s because of a little thing call a work ethic and accountability. She is ok with both. It’s why last night she went into history by scoring her 1000th point. Now most are not surprised by this… that’s because they didn’t see or live the journey. Erika has paid the price to walk into the history books. She, her mother and sister are amazed by want she has accomplished.

Destiny Adams has had the spotlight on her from day one. But rather than shrink under the pressure of the big spotlight, Destiny Adams has shined even brighter. She has always been confident, since the day she walked up to me and told me she is the best 7th grader in the state. She was lying that day because she just might be the best player in the country in her class one day. Destiny Adams has scored 1000 in points basically in 2 years. Before she’s done, she will score 2000 points. She will be the schools all time everything one day. They will retire her Jersey and crown her as the best player in the schools history. These things we expected, just it’s seems it’s all happening so quickly.

So Destiny and Erika have gotten to the magic number. Everyone is happy for them and proud of them. Me, I’m more proud of them as kids.. and yes I said kids. Because they are kids, they’re going to make mistakes along the way and draw a lot of attention to themselves. Yet these two are always going to be classy and humble…like their parents. They are two of the most well liked kids in the state. Coaches love them and teammates love them. They know how to make those around them, feel good about themselves. This is their real gift that has been given to them. It’s why I love them and there families….it’s GOODNESS that makes them special.

Erika Porter is taking her time picking a college. Just like she took her time getting to 1000th points. Nobody can ever take that away from her.

Destiny Adams has been on the fast track to greatness. That’s why she got to 1000 points so quickly. Nobody will ever question her greatness

Two great kids, friends and teammates. Making history on the same night… it safe to say every NOV 20th the rest of there lives they will think of each other…Congratulations to two amazing young ladies I’m very proud of both of you.