Yesterday Maggie Cavanaugh gave a verbal commitment to UNH. She is part of a group of players who are all on there way to college. She is also a part of a group that nobody thought would be where they are today. That because none had a high AAU profile until they fell under the guidance of the #1 star maker in girls AAU basketball in the area. Her name is Tracey Sabino and she is the director of the Shoreshots and nobody is doing it the way she does it these days.


Me and Tracey Sabino are friends, our families are close. If the truth be told the Sabino’s are the only family I socialize with. She takes a lot of heat for this. She also begs me not to discuss her or her program. That’s because she knows the jealousy it creates. She says people think I favor the Shoreshots. Hell people even count how many tweets I tweet about them compared to other organizations. Well guess what? There is a reason I tweet more about them than other organizations. It’s because there do more than other organizations. They my friends deliver the goods for kids and it starts with TRACEY SABINO

Abby Ferguson is off to Colgate University, Ashley O’Connor is off to Fordham University, cracklings Rosie is off to Bucknell, Gia Pissott is off to Navy, Emma Carman is off to Quinnapiac, Kathrine Martini is off to Academic powerhouse Emory. Julianna Almeida has more D1 offer than most teams have combined. There all have made their dreams come true. Want to know something else, they were all lost until they found Tracey Sabino’s Shoreshots organization. Not one had a offer before joining the Shoreshots.

In the last 2 years the Shoreshots have had 24 D1 players alone come through there program. That’s more than every organization combined. There is a reason for this… it’s called Tracey Sabino. You see Tracey Sabino has figured out the blue print for success in AAU basketball. Its took her a few rough lessons to get where she is today. She watched outsiders come and steal her players. She watched parents lie and misrepresent their plans. So she did something few people in the AAU world are willing to do. Take kids who want to be in her program and develop them. It’s been her recipe the past 8 years and it has worked to perfection. Her philosophy of only wanting kids and PARENTS who want to be there has worked to perfection. When she lost Justine Pissott those on the outside came after her kids and program hard. They didn’t realize that she had 6 other D1 players and when she added Collen McQuillen( Fordham)and Jess Reipe( Holy Family) to the dismay of everyone … HER TEAM GOT BETTER without Pissott. Last year Ally Carman in May surprised her and left tor Philly Rise. It didn’t matter as the 2022 Shoreshots HGSL team blew up. They too were better without Ally Carman. Tracey Sabino has been masterful in building, developing and managing her program… it’s why right now the SHORESHOTS ARE THE GOATS.

Recently I told Tracey Sabino, you have a army of people coming after your program. Everyone seems to want to advise her kids. I told her “there not advising other kids, kids without offers”. Her response “I Don’t care as long as there honest and let me know… SO I CAN REPLACE THEM” that my friends is pure confidence in one’s ability. That’s because as Tracey likes to tell me. We develop them better… she’s right… we showcase them better… she is the best at it..we make sure they have good high school seasons… no debate there .. and we get them offers to college.. well she is the best of the best at that. Tracey Sabino has turned the Shoreshots into the Roman Empire by doing one thing… being smarter and better than everyone else.

I can’t think of the last kid in Tracey Sabino’s organization that has not gone on to college. I just know she is one of the last AAU programs doing it right. I know she right when she says… ‘I ONLY WANT KIDS WHO WANT TO BE HERE” more coaches should have this approach. Tracey has built relationships with college coaches across the country at every level. That’s because of one word.. “TRUST” college coaches know they can trust her. She has mastered social media for her kids exposure. She has created relationships with people who truly matter, not talkers but folks who get it done. She also knows that she has Enemies inside and outside of her program. She knows she is being accused of being a feeder program for certain schools. A lie because her kids are spread out across the entire state. She is afraid of being accused of recruiting other programs kids, when it her program everyone tries to raid after she develops kids. This goes with being the most successful AAU program around. I gave Tracey some advice recently , she laughed. But I really wish she would take a page from my playbook… everyone once in the while you have to let them know…. you don’t need them! Because when your good at what you do, weather they like you or not… THEY KNOW YOUR IMPACT… right now nobody’s impact is as big as Tracey Sabino’s and that you can write in stone!










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