There is going to a coaches convention on Sunday at Holmdel High School for the Coaches Choice Showcase. There will be plenty of great players on hand. In fact some of the most highly recruited players in the country. They’ll be something there for everyone. They will big D1 post players, guards, wings, shooters and more. They’ll be players who have signed or committed. There will tweets about who the best players are by the sponsors of the event, to create interest. Yet the name JASMIN BOYD will not appear anywhere before Trenton Catholic and Manchester tip off.

There are going to be lots of talk about who the best players are before Sunday’s Coaches Choice event. Little if any of it will center on Jasmin Boyd. But many of the those kids everyone will be talking about, being recruited or signed by D1 schools… will all know Jasmine Boyd. They will know her because they either grew up with her, played with her or excuse my french “GOT THEIR BUTT SCHOOLED BY HER”. You see everyone who is a baller knows Jazz is a baller. They know this because many of the very D1 recruits in Sunday’s games couldn’t hold a candle to Jasmin Boyd. In other words she has kicked their ass from A-Z. They know Jazz is the real deal. They have seen her work unfortunately up close and personal. I can tell you in most cases it was not a pleasant experience. They all know what Jasmin Boyd can do. Many know they can’t carry her dirty shoes. It drives me nuts, the recruiting process at times. But trust me, in Jasmin’s case it will all be just fine.. that I can promise you.
Now Jasmin Boyd attends Trenton Catholic High School. A team many believe is the favorite to win the TOC. It’s a school that brings everything to the table, that college coaches say they look for in a kid and a program. It checks every single box, coaches say they want, when recruiting a kid. All you hear these days from college coaches is that the kids “are not prepared anymore”. Well Jasmin Boyd may be over prepared. I hear kids are not competitive anymore. They move around to much and leave at the first sign of adversity vs. staying and fighting. Well folks have you seen the Trenton Catholic roster? It’s stacked with killers of the highest level top to bottom. Close your eyes and try to imagine what practices look like in that gym… wait don’t do that because it’s scary as hell. Jasmin Boyd could have long jetted to some weaker program and be dropping 40 points and bragging all the way to being another hyped up baller…but you see Jasmin Boyd is the ultimate fighter. She don’t even understand what running away means!
They say kids are not skilled enough or coached up enough these days. Well I can tell you Jasmin Boyd is a two way player every night.. and about the coaching thing. Ask anyone about this man’s (Bob Fusik) track record of success. Jasmin Boyd’s game is as tight as any 2021 player you will watch play Sunday. How do I know this? She is a GYM RAT AND A WORKER always has been. I have seen every single top junior in Sunday’s games with MY OWN EYES. College coaches, do you really need me to start bragging about my track record regarding such matters? Just read the cheat sheets and then look around. I say Jasmin Boyd is one of the best 2021’s lacing then up on Sunday and I didn’t stutter. And that includes some of those more hyped up players you signed or are begging to sign… that she has toyed with over the years.
I have seen Jasmine Boyd rip some of the best players in New Jersey apart. But unlike so many, Jasmine is real game over hype. So often you hear coaches say “kids don’t want to play their role”. That’s because in many cases, kids prefer to play in weak programs and play weak competition. There scared to be part of something special. Something bigger than themselves. They can’t live without a big light shining on them. It why it bugs when a kid like Jasmin Boyd who does all the things coaches talk about, has to grind so hard to get love. She plays a role for one of the best teams in the state. Like everyone else she’d like to score points and read her name in the paper. But her team is not built that way. Everyone eats and everyone shines. But she knows doing little things and making timely plays are what champions do. Jasmin Boyd is trying to a be champion, not steal the spotlight. Everywhere she has ever played…EVERYWHERE SINCE 5TH GRADE, HER TEAMS HAVE WON CHAMPIONSHIPS
Jasmine Boyd has a college body and toughness right now. She is an elite defender right now. I say she will be the best defender in the gym come Sunday. She is a deadly shooter, but don’t worry, she won’t be jocking up bad shots. She understands the game too well. Her handle is dirty and she can get to the rim and FINISH. But you won’t catch her over dribbling or forcing things because she knows how to play. What I will promise you, come Sunday, is this… you will see is one of the most competitive players in the gym ALL DAY.
I’ve know Jasmin Boyd since she was in 5th grade. Her competitive nature is off the charts. Just like how coachable she has always been. Her improvement curve has been on the money. I KNOW THIS FAMILY. I know what they are about. They are about growth and preparing their children for life. This is a family where everything is earned and nothing is given. So many talk about it, yet can’t be about it. Coaches you say parents and families matter, well if it’s true… HERE YOU GO!

Now please pay close attention to what I am about to say. There are going to be lots of kids showing off Sunday… trust me there is no avoiding it. There are going to be kids taking bad shots, not playing the right way, in order to impress college coaches. I can tell you Jasmin Boyd won’t be one of them. She is going to play the game the way she always played the game…which is better than most of the D1 kids you are recruiting right now… I know JASMINE BOYD AND THERE NO JASMINE BOYD…and that’s a fact cause I see them all💪