When you talk about freshman who move the needle, in most cases it’s guess. In most cases it’s a effort by those around a talented freshman to crown the player. If you asked them if the freshman has shined against older talented players. The answer is in most cases, they don’t know. When a freshman is talented so often they spent so much of their time protecting their reputation. These are things that have gone on forever and will continue. Next week it will get real for every freshman in the state of New Jersey. One of the freshman will not have to worry about getting crowned. It’s because she is as legit as it comes. JULIA KARPELL IS DIFFERENT THAN ANY FRESHMAN IN THE SHORE CONFERENCE.
There are some kids who nothing seems to bother them. They perform at the same level regardless of the level of competition they face. Julia Karpell is one of those kids. This year, the freshman will begin her high school career with the pressure of her name on her the back of her jersey. She knows that all eyes will be on her. She knows her mother Coach Karpell far to well to look for protection. She knows that no matter what she does, she will be compared to her older sister who starts for Fordham University these days. Yet you would never know by her actions and body language. That so much pressure awaits her. Julia Karpell is as confident as a freshman can be. She is not cocky or self centered. It’s just she has been around the game so long, that she understands all that comes with being part of SJV and the daughter of perhaps the greatest coach in Shore history one day. You see nothing rattles Julia Karpell. When you talk to her and watch her play, you know she is way older than her years. That’s why she may be one of the best freshman to ever wear a SJV uniform.

I’m a old school guy and that might be the reason I can watch Julia Karpell play basketball all day. Seeing a young player who knows how to play is a rare thing these day. But watching a player pass the ball and make good decisions while playing to their strength. Now that’s something you really see these days. The thought of what Julia Karpell will look like after a season of being coached by her mother is down right scary. Julia brings a package to SJV that is exceptional. She will from day one be known as one of the best shooters in the Shore. But for those will trying to make her a one trick pony. Save your energy because it all the things she can without a ball that make you love watching her play. Julia Karpell can handle the ball at 5’11” and already has college ready body. Her length will cripple opponents in the SJV half court and pressing defense. Her passing skills are next level right now and she rebounds in traffic as well as any guard you know. You want an elite shooter that can get to the rim? Well that is not a problem for Julia Karpell. Lets just put it this way, her skill level is off the charts. She scores at all 3 levels and more. She brings the complete package to the table But there is one think I left out about Julia Karpell, like her older sister Sarah…SHE IS AS TOUGH PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY AS IT GETS.

While so many young players are walking around with crowns on their heads, Julia Karpell spends her time actually taking on the best. This fall Karpell trained against the best of the best. She played against senior, household names going to Division one. To put it nicely Julia Karpell went to work on them. How good was Karpell? She played against every single top player at NBS. We are talking about a who’s ..who of girls basketball in New Jersey. Not only was she dominate at times vs these players, it seemed she was the best player in the gym week after week. More importantly each week she got better and stronger. Karpell is doesn’t need a crown because her game speaks loud… louder than any freshman I know these days. That’s because she gotten it done vs the killers. The beauty of the entire thing is that she has no idea that she is doing all this against elite competition. There is no ego….I think we all know why that is!!!

I told Julia one day “you know your mother is not going to give you anything” She laughed and just said “tiny you think I don’t already know that”… then we both laughed. But if the truth be told, Julia Karpell would not want it any other way. In fact she knows the standard for her will be different. She knows that her mother is tough, she watched her older sister Sarah go through it. But she also knows her mother will be her biggest supporter. It just won’t be in a controlled environment to meet her personal needs before the teams need. Coach Karpell is just not build that way and Julia knows this. So while other star freshman will be given gifted wrapped positions. Julia Karpell will be fighting from day.

They say timing is everything these days. SJV just got some real good timing come their way. That’s because SJV got the one thing they were missing last year. A great three point shooter who can handle the ball and make quality decisions. Julia Karpell will fill that void with flying colors. Next when Christina Whitehead decided not to play basketball this season. It saved Coach Karpell from having to make what would have been a tough decision in regards to playing time. Now she can play Julia Karpell without drama and her team instantly just got better….folks it all in the timing and I have a funny feeling Julia Karpell is going to have good timing her entire career.

There are some kids who just have it. The way they walk, the way their talk. They have that swag you just can’t teach. It comes natural for them, it not phony or manufactured. Julia Karpell is one of those kids, she has that thing all the great ones have…that PRESENCE, it seems all eyes are upon her the moment she walks in a gym. It going to be that way for JULIA KARPELL FOR THE NEXT 4 YEARS…because she is and entirely different animal…This is a college coaches dream player so enjoy the ride.