Sometimes you get it wrong. It’s so easy to form opinions about kids. It’s so easy to label them. But if the kid is talented you can see the big picture. You can realize how special and different they are. When you do find this out, it can be exciting and Soooo much fun. Julia Cosentino Of Rumson Fair Haven is exactly that kid.

When Julia Cosentino was in 8th grade her future high school coach called me and said he had the best 8th grader in the Shore arriving. I didn’t tell him but I laughed at this comment. He told me she would have a major impact on his team. I didn’t believe him. You have to understand Dave Callahan by far is the biggest supporter of his kids of any coach I know. He truly makes it a mission to support his kids. But Julia Cosentino was special in his heart. He just felt she was different. Guess what… she has proved him right.

I didn’t know much about Julia Cosentino. She didn’t train with me. I questioned her competitive nature because of this… I knew she knew the competition level at NBS. So I was taken back she didn’t want to be part of of it. I saw her at Hoop Group doing workouts. I wondered why she didn’t just in with the others players I WAS TRAINING. I wondered why she wouldn’t want to work with D1, All State and All Shore kids. I decided she was afraid. I was wrong because if there is one thing I learned. If there is one thing I got so wrong it’s this… Julia Cosentino is not afraid of anything and anyone.

Dave Callahan, if you don’t my me saying can coach his ass off. His biggest strength as a coach is that he can identify talent. But what makes him special is he gives that talent confidence. Last season he gave Julia Cosentino so much confidence. He gave her a green light and he trusted her. The result was while playing in the best division in the state Julia Cosentino was special. She was spectacular against the best players and teams in the state. How does 68 three’s and 300 points as a freshman move you? When RFH lost Grace Munt many predicted RFH was in for a long year. That’s because nobody realized how great the baby Julia Cosentino was. Nobody predicted she would be special on the biggest stages against the best teams. Nobody could imagine her being FIRST TEAM ALL FRESHMAN... but all these things are a fact these days. I didn’t see it coming. I didn’t know Cosentino was this special. But I know now and I also know the Julia Cosentino is a pit bull and a gym rat.

I really didn’t know Julia Cosentino. I really believed she was a kid who liked basketball. I didn’t think she loved it. You see if a kid doesn’t train with you or in YOUR GYM everyday. It’s really easy to form opinions. It’s easy to pick on there weakness. It easy to point out all the negatives. But you don’t point out the ability to get buckets and Julia Cosentino gets buckets and folks make no mistake this game is and always be about buckets. Julia Cosentino has a natural god given ability to get buckets. It’s something you don’t teach. It’s something in a kids DNA and make no mistake she has this DNA. Julia Cosentino. college coaches is the big time scorer you pray and dream about…

I have got to know Julia Cosentino in recent weeks. I’ve found out that she is shy and doesn’t like attention. I’ve found she is a gym rat who loves not likes basketball. I found she always shows up always. I recently put out a list of D1 players and I made a huge mistake. I didn’t call Julia Cosentino a D1 lock..That is beyond absurd. Because her is fact, Julia Cosentino will be one of the best players in the Shore one day. She will be one of the best players in RFH history. She will be everything her coach Dave Callahan said… one of the best ever. College Coaches I don’t have to tell the list of greats who have worn a RFH uniform do I? Well guess what Julia Cosentino is going to join that list of great ones