The question today is a simple one. How good is Addy Nyemchek of RED BANK CATHOLIC and the  2026 SHORESHOTS? Addy Nyemchek will one day be known as one of the best players in the country. She will be that rare player that can choose her college of choice. But that’s not the question today. What we  are asking is where does Addy Nyemchek rank a among  the best freshman these eyes has seen in the Shore Conference.

There have been generational freshman in the Shore over the years. They come around once in the blue moom. Marina Mabrey, Kelly Hughes, Sy Davis, Shakenna Richardson, Destiny Adams, Christina Danella. The list goes on when talking about these rare freshman. Its not a long list but its a special list. These were not ordinary players. These were players asked  to carry there teams as freshman. Teams that were legit contenders. These babies were go to players as freshman. These are the once in a lifetime players. Addy Nyemchek  is one of those  players. She was that rare freshman that could  not only elevate her game but those around her as well at an early age.

The 2026 class may be the best class in Shore history. There are so many talented players. In fact five already have power 5 offers on the table. Now will all these kids develop? Will they all play Power 5 basketball? I can tell you without hesitation the answer to that question is “NO”. There simply are too many variables that can go wrong. Things like a lack of true development,  social issues, selfishness, parents, behavior, lack of mental toughness, or a lack of truth telling by there inner circle. It’s called life and each kid has to walk a different journey. The one thing I am 100% sure about is right now having seen all the best freshman,  Addy Nyemchek is the  best Freshman in the state of  NEW JERSEY. That is saying alot because the 2026 class in New Jersey is stacked with future mega stars. But the real question is, if ADDY is the best baby in Shore History? That’s a tough one. All  I can tell you she is on a very  short list of players in the conversation.

RBC Coach, Joe Montano has seen them all and he says Addy Nyemchek just may be the best to ever were a RBC uniform one day. He calls her Larry Bird. What I find interesting  is a Power 5 Head Coach described her the exact same way. I told her I believe ADDY NYEMCHEK will win a NATIONAL TITLE ONE DAY. I guess great minds think a like. I can tell you this without hesitation, no player in my time has had a more complete game as Addy Nyemchek as a freshman, NONE!

No freshman had ever brought the passing skills at all levels on the court, like Addy Nyemchek. Be it in the lane, high post, from the Point guard position, transition or on the wing.  Nobody has every brought this type of passing versatility. The closest player I can think of is Marina Mabrey who many believe is the best or 2nd best player in Shore history. But we are strictly talking about one year here today, not a career.

No freshman has ever been more versatile  on defense. Addy Nyemchek  is not just a shot blocker, she is an elite shot blocker. She also has the ability to guard all three guard postions. She also can guard post players who are bigger and often outweigh her by 20 pounds. When you talk about big shot making, no freshman in Shore history is even close. Her ability to make big shots is downright scary. I really don’t  have anyone to compare her to in this area.

The great ones understand big moments. It really what separates them. ADDY NYEMCHEK nickname really should be “the big moment ” not “THE BAD WOMAN.   In a matchup of great babies vs St. Rose she was the “BAD WOMEN ” and took over the game. In the WOBM she was a “BADDER WOMAN” making big shot after big shot, big pass after big pass, making big defensive play after defensive play. Against Manasquan in one of the biggest games of the year she was the ULTIMATE BAD WOMAN” . She saved RBC season singled handily  with shocking 3rd and 4th  quarters vs St. Rose, Ocean Twp and St. Thomas Aquarius. She proved she was  the “BADDEST BABY OF ALL”.  Addy Nyemchek was without question the best, big game and moment  freshman I have seen in my time. There have been great freshman who have had great moments.  But none as often as ADDY NYEMCHEK over the course of a season

I believe character tells you want to expect down the road with star babies. Kelly Hughes character was special. Her final words in her last high school game. “You have to learn how lose, just like you have to learn how to win. Congrants to RFH” You see character makes for good teammates, coachable stars. Players who realize being part of something bigger than themselves matters. These players protect the culture of a program. It gives energy to the goals of the team, coaches and school: not just individuals. ADDY NYEMCHEK’S character is that of a player who respects the game with her actions and behavior. She is one of tbe most unselfish superstar freshman, I have seen in recent years.











I know for a fact there are different type of work ethics.  There are mega talented freshman who stay in there environment and everything revolves around making them and their parents feel special. Often there is no discipline or accountability. Addy Nyemchek understands there is none of that where she trains and plays.  JOE MONTANO is hard on his freshman, it’s why they develop. Not every kid is built for RBC. That’s because when a kid attends RBC, they have no power. The parents have no voice. They are expected to represent the school and program first. No player is bigger than the name on the front of the jersey. There is no special treatment based on talent. RBC doesn’t create stars and hype players. There is no one face of the program. Addy Nyemchek understood this and it’s what separates  her from just about every great baby in Shore history.  She was not gifted the team on her arrival. They were no deals or promises. She didn’t arrive as a package deal, she just showed up. She accepted not starting and only playing half a game. She did all this and still managed to win FRESHMAN OF THE YEAR! I can think of no superstar freshman that would have accepted all this…again Character Matters.

So is who the best freshman in Shore recent  History? I’m not sure but I believe  it comes down to three players in my mind.  Addy Nyemchek, Marina Mabrey and Kelly Hughes.  Addy Nyemchek and Marina Mabrey  had stronger supporting cast. Both lost in the SCT FINAL as freshman, so it comes down to these two. Both had insane work ethics and were ridiculously skilled. Nobody on god’s green earth had Marina Mabrey ‘s competitive nature. Both carried there teams at times. But Marina played with the best player in the state, her sister Michela. Meanwhile Addy Nyemchek  was RBC’S  best player. Both were once in a lifetime babies. So here is how I will answer that question. I believe Addy Nyemchek had the best freshman season I have seen in my time. But remember there were no video of all Marina’s games like today.  So my answer is this, Marina Mabrey  is the best freshman ever and ADDY NYEMCHECK had the best freshman season ever. You want to call it a cop out? Maybe but either way…







  1. Addy is Larry Bird. She makes everyone better weather you a two three four or five. Passes are pin point but more importantly they result in buckets. Shot blocks and half the time recovers her own block. Rebouinds in a crowd against bigger and older foes. But best asset is she is the ultimate team mate and bestie off the court. Oh she’s also like Lebron because if you play with her your goin get paid. Tiny understands this gal like no other

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