JERSEY LIVE kicks off today with 8 games tonight before a full schedule of games take place Saturday. Here are a list of the Top players based on performance to this date. Keep in my these are only the players I personal seen against “ HIGH LEVEL LEGIT COMPETITION “  certainly there are others I have not seen.



‘24 MAKAYLA BLAKES – 5’10- WING- the do it all guard is the best player in the state of New Jersey. When speaking of her, please  start with her character first. It’s truly where her greatness begins. She is a elite shooter off the bounce or the catch. Her handle and physical nature allow her to get to any spot on the floor. She is downright a nightmare for opponents in transition. She is a lock down defender. She is a coaches dream and a teammate you  beg to play with. There is one word to describe her… CLASSY….why go on a mega star being recruited by national brand name schools


‘24 CHLOE ESCANILLAS-5’8”- combo -Coaches you be wise to pay close attention to this dedicated hard working soul.  Start with, she is mega student. Next she is a workhorse who plays either guard position at a high level of Efficiency. She is a knock it out high percentage shooter. She has a next level IQ and a no frills get it done handle and attitude. Her quickness, feet and prideful manner make her a excellent defender. She has played against the best of the best and lived to tell the story. A unselfish, winning player. This is a high academic or D1 sleeper steal.


’24 ZAHRA ALEXANDER– 5’10- wing… if you are a mid major and do not know this young lady, that is a massive mistake. She is a athletic next level defender and competitive wing. She is long for days and plays with a true presence. She is murder on the baseline and dynamic in transition. But her biggest strength is that she can be a play maker  off the bounce. She has shown range to 22 ft and is not afraid of the spotlight. She has played her best on the biggest stages. Her ability to see 2nd level defenders is a natural gift. Nice kids do nice things and this young lady is going to build your culture.


26 GIGI BATTLE– 5’9”- WING- make no mistake this was one of the best freshman in the country a year ago. First start with the work ethic, she is in relentless Pursuit of greatness ALWAYS! There is no sacrifice she will not make. Next she has a college bodyright now. She plays physically without fouling. It why she is already a next level defender. She is murder on the offensive glass and brutal in transition. Her mid range game is filled with a quick first step and explosive pull ups. That’s because her handle is not just dirty, its elite. Notice the MAJOR UPGRADE IN HER SHOOTING RANGE. Her skills sets are dangerous and will get better because she is coachable, hungry and ready? NEW TO THE GAME. Her upside may be bigger than any player in the 2026 class on the East coast. Finally she has something only the great ones have and you cannot teach it coaches… PRESENCE the moment she walks in a gym… this is a magical recruit who is humble, grateful and a job to all she touches… FACT!  with power 5 offers on the table.


‘25 LEAH CROSBY– 5’10- Wing- college coaches she is one of favorites this spring. She has a competitive nature that jumps off the paper. But if want truth, go watch a game in her Freshman year and one now. The improvement curve is Embarrassingly Spectacular. She is a two way player because her defensive pride is special. Active hands, she Harasses the ball. Gets ups in passing lanes then jumps on the glass. Real next level stuff. She simply destroys smaller guards. Coaches this is the post up guard you dream about. Next her mid range game is on point and her three point jumper continues to grow and Torture unexpected opponents. She has a improving handle and is a unselfish passer. This is a mid major D1 steal of steals because she is emerging in a big way.


‘24 RHIAN STOKES – 5’10”- Combo… coaches this is the real deal. She is insanely skilled and coached up to perfection. She is one of the 5 best players in all of New Jersey. She is the ultimate two way player who is so unselfish it brings joy to your heart.  She can guard 4 positions legit because her IQ just may be as good as any player in the state. Her ability to morph to any style of play is straight up breath taking. You want dominant scoring? You got it. You want a dominant floor game and leadership, you got it. You want a clean up women on the glass and in transition? You got it. You want three’s, mid range, bully ball? you got it . I watched her with her AAU this spring and guess want? No ego just does what they ask, that’s because she is drama free and will be a SUPERSTAR AT THE Next level… wait excuse me for insulting this young lady…  I MEANT A ROCK STAR! Coaches this kid can’t miss…


24 JOI JOHNSON– 5’11- Forward… she is a warrior and competes for everything. She has a true PHD (passion.. hungry and driven). She is not a under sized forward trying to prove she can shoot three’s . She is happy being who she is and that is a winner. She can guard players 3-4 inches bigger than her because she plays with so much heart and desire. She will pound the glass and punish opponents on the block because she makes every thing simple. She is beyond coached  up and is drama free. She draws fouls like bees to honey. She is not a good passer but a master one. This is another steal and has D1 offers on the table… and coaches stop asking is she big enough. She has played against the best with all those big reputations and as we say in the hood… Kicked ASS!

‘24 TE’YALA DELFOSSE– 5’10”- wing … please tell what she can’t do. Her length, speed quickness, energy and passion are straight up off the charts. This is a kid born to play this game. Like all Ewing kids she is mega coached up thanks to  Ewing Coach Dan Montferrat, the state of NJ COACH OF THE YEAR. She plays so hard,  you sweat just watching her. Her ability to smother elite guards is crazy good. She fills lanes and gets to the rim like no other. She sacrifices her her body on both sides of the floor. The  handle is dangerous and filled with creative moves and elite finishing at the rim. She is a rebounding machine from the guard position. She plays the game with so much joy you can’t take your eyes off this young lady. Coaches this is the truth and a D1 game changer for so many…. The school that gets here is getting a gift from the basketball gods!


’25 MEKYLA DURHAM– 5’8”- Swing-… coaches sometimes it better to pay attention to less high profile kids. I give you a nice hidden gem. MEKYLA is under the radar( young lady go to NBS CAMP) lucky for coaches who are doing there job and here is why. She is a player hitting her stride quietly making her a nice steal for recruiters. She is a next level rebounder from the guard spot. She has shown a reliable and improving three point shot. She is a 50/50 ball winner and her hands are constantly getting tips and steal. She brings intangibles and toughness to the the table. Notice the next level body? She is very capable of big scoring nights. But most importantly coaches, she knows how to play unselfishly and is dangerously well coached.  This could be the sleeper of the night for a hustling coach paying real attention.


‘25 MIA PAULDO– 5’5”- Combo… now this is fact coaches. This young lady is totally underrated. I don’t care about those silly ranking as to who is 1st or 100 it’s all nonsense. I go by game. This young lady has more game that anyone has given her credit for. First she is beyond unselfish and elevates her teammates game without throwing her game into the freezer, let that marinate because few can do this. Next her defensive work is so next level and bigger than her size. Finally her ability to run pick and roll is Ridiculous. She knows every read, pass and shot. This is a player with P5 offers but I believe is national contender type guard… strong words but a fact.


‘25 MYA PAULDO – 5’5”Combo… she has blazing speed and a next level handle. She is a improving shooter to 23 ft. She can be a scorer or Facilitator in transition. Her quickness and speed make her a talented defender. She has a competitive nature and willingness to grow as a player. She is confident and has her own style and game. She at times has shown a real ability to get to the free throw line are a alarming rate. That because her game off the bounce is very legit and painful to defenders. Her step backs and hesitation moves keep defenders off balance constantly. She has P5 offers on the table and is a rapidly improving player. Look for her to have a big weekend.



’24 ALLISON CANNON– 5’8”- Combo… she has back breaking speed and explosiveness. She is a serious defender and is special in the open floor. Her strength and quickness make her the ideal combo for the next level. She has a beautiful jumper to 21 feet that she hides in her bag. Her handle is based on full out ball protection, you cannot steal the ball from her. She has a elite pull up jumper the shows off her jumping ability. She is a bully ball Queen against small guards. The future D1 guard has a big upside and just may out grown her current  recruitment. This is a big time athletic guard.


25 MACKENZIE TEEVAN – 6’4”… it never surprises me and it’s a old story. “If she gets bigger and stronger when going to recruit her”.. mid major asst… “pray she doesn’t until she gets on your campus because if she gets bigger and stronger you won’t get her”… Tiny Green. Well she has not  gotten bigger and stronger yet. But she has P5 and Big East offers on the table. That’s because she has a nice shooting touch to 25 ft and has an ability to post, catch the ball and draw double teams. She rebounds in traffic and as athletic as any 6’4” girl you will see. But what is noticeable is the growing development and confidence. Here is a little tip for mid majors. If your a high academic school you will be in the mix… she is just a 15 year old junior!!!



‘24 THE MAZUR TWINS– 5’6”- Combo

Ava and Bella are twin sisters and coaches I tell you for the 100th time. Recruit warriors and competitors who love the game that are drama free. Recruit kids who are hungry and have not been softened up by the recruiting process. When you do you can get  two players that are constantly out playing those D1 kids you have offered. No dominate them. These two are a classic case of not being able to get front of coaches at the right time. They are are great off the bounce, have next level passing skills, drain threes for days and have a next level toughness. This weekend watch them dance in the lane and make plays. Take time to watch them in transition make every right decision. Watch there fitness level and total willingness to sacrifice there body. Now I have a number of talented guards in the NBS program with multiple offers. I tell you the MAZUR twins take a back seat to none… this is a magical duo! Coaches I give you facts not BULLSHIT.

*Kasey Bertones has committed to UMass!



’26  LEXI CARNEGIE– 5’8” – Combo… she just wrapped up one of the best freshman seasons in the state. She scored 425 points and had over 90 dimes. She is a scoring machine and that’s because her handle is real and she has all the needed skills sets to be an elite scorer. She shot 113 free throws last year. That’s because can get down hill in a hurry and then change direction or pace while reading secondary defenders and finish at the rim. She is not just skilled and talented, she is crafty with both hands. She knocked down 18 threes last season as well. She did all this with opposing teams game planning her every step of the way. She has quick feet and hands that allow to step in passing lanes and turn guards in the backcourt . This is a next level D1 combo guard.


CAMP STARTS NEXT WEEK… remember you can show up mid week next for Core Skills








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