There a storm building these days. This storm coming your way is going to be filled with lots of pressure for everyone. This storm has been building for over a year now. It’s called the start of the high school season and the July recruiting. If your basketball player with hopes and dreams there is no avoiding the pressure that comes with both. Some kids are going to navigate this pressure and some are going to collapse under it.

In two weeks most top high schools will begin high school summer practices. Parents and kids will be sitting on pins and needles hoping for the best. Some kids will show up prepared. These are the kids who went to Saturday CORE SKILLS, did the after school training and played against older talented competition. The first day of high school practice is what so many kids have dreamed about over the years. Now the moment has arrived. Now kids will either be rewarded for their hard work or pay price for their Indiscretions. The one thing I can 100% promise you. There will be no in between. The young lady is going to be ready or not.

To those players in high school already. They know the drill and been though summer high practices. It’s old news but what’s not old news is the July recruiting period. That’s because we have not seen a live recruiting period in over a year. In 3 weeks that will all change. College coaches will be out this summer with eyes on players. Those players who trained daily, made the sacrifices, watched the film and got better. Well they are going to have a fighting chance. Those who con themselves and went on those so called short vacations.. did not shoot everyday.. did not train vs real competition. Well they will be part of the summer of tears. Because unfortunately we are in the Covid recruiting era and many kids are going to be affected by this. I can tell you the future of many kids will sadly depend on their past behavior and actions.

So I will offer up some advice to all today.To those entering high school. Here are some things you should know and do.
1. Like it or not the coaches already know who the top players are entering the summer. If your not one of those kids introduce yourself to the coach before arriving and work like there is no tomorrow
2. Make a good first impression . Show up early and be the last to leave the gym
3. Don’t travel and hang with the upperclassman and try to gain their favor and status.. it won’t work. It will piss off your classmates and everyone will read through it
4. Don’t sit around all day, saving your legs for practice(your parents will encourage this) it’s a massive mistake. Go to camp during the day and evenings. Your development is most important. You will want those training hours back at the end of the summer
5. Know what is expected of you by the coaches… ask questions. If your going to be away let the coaches know long in advance. They won’t call you on missing summer practice but they know and won’t be happy and Quietly will hold it against you
6. If your a star freshman( and you know exactly who your are) pick up balls, drink water after the upperclassman, get to the back of the line, do the little things that don’t show up in a box score, don’t try and lead but rather follow. In other words HUMBLE YOURSELF
7. Remember the summer high school practice is just the start of your career. It’s not the be all do all. It’s a time to learn your schools system, get to know teammates and coaches. You will not earn playing time in the summer for next season…that is a fact. Your attitude will dictate how all this plays out this summer. So remember that..
8. Remember there are players who have given swear and blood to the program, long before you arrived. You have not and until you do please watch what you say and keep your opinions to yourself
1. Get in the gym the next three weeks
2. Go to a college Elite Camps every weekend
3. Go to Academic Elite on June 25th at Hoop Group(it will sell out)
4. Secures a spot at the NBS CAMP at the end of June( it will sell out)
5. Run everyday remember to include sprints
7. Do all you can to create name recognition before you get to July.
8. Shoot everyday.. do not take a day off! Because here is the dirty little secret. The better you shoot the better you look. Don’t let anyone tell you different

Now understand 95% of the players who have committed to D1 schools to date have come out of NBS. That should come as no surprise to anyone. Why do I bring this up? Because folks you need to start listening to the people who have a track record. I am here to tell you this… this 100% will be THE SUMMER OF TEARS for many. But it doesn’t have to be, if you listen. You have 3 weeks to get yourself in position. That still lots of time if you get going NOW! I can tell you, if you go into July and have not picked up a phone and called College Coaches, you better be already heavily recruited. Otherwise get your checkbook out, you will be paying for school. If you do not have a plan to create some exposure and buzz for yourself the week before the July recruiting period.. your in trouble. It why I moved NBS UP THIS YEAR! Finally I gave you 8 things to do… don’t pick and choose…DO THEM ALL!

The pressure is on everyone, NOT JUST YOU, that including high school and college coaches. Scholarships and high school team roster spots are precious now. There are going to be mistakes and kids are going to be missed. The key is to give yourself a chance. But the waiting is over. You are out of excuses, it’s put up or shut. So put the work in and most of all, please listen to the advice I just gave you… YOU’ll THANK ME👏👏😄