Today I’m going to tell you why hype doesn’t matter. Today I’m going to give you some inside information. But first I want you to listen to want I’m about to say. Throw everything you hear about who the best 2026 players are out the window. I just want you to focus on the long term development of kids. I want you to focus on the improvement curve of kids. I want you to understand sometimes kids get crowned early. Then there are kids without a crown becoming special right under our very nose. AVA FRITH is that kid. She is that kid who is going to mean so much to so many D1 programs one day. That’s because I am not sure if I have seen a kid developing the way she is💪🏀
When we talk about a young players development. In most cases we are talking about shooting, dribbling, passing. Very rarely do we discuss the physical development of a player. Well Ava Frith’s physical development I can honestly say has rarely seen before. We tend to exaggerate when kids grow height wise. We don’t talk about about the physical growth because we all assume mother nature will take care of that with time. We also love to say things like “she is growing” or “she gets bigger every time I see you”. Once again an exaggeration at play. Folks in the case of Ava Frith exaggeration is not necessary.

When Ava Frith showed up in the fall at NBS, I was shocked how tall she was, in fact it threw me off. You see Ava has been training with me since 3rd grade. Then last weekend when she showed up at Core Skills, I asked a coach who was that? Before he could answer I realized it was Ava Frirh. Then when I didn’t recognize for a 3rd time in a week at Point Guard. It was clear this kid was growing physically weekly. Ava Frith has a college body and size at 6’0” already. But that just half the story.
Now this is a message for college coaches and basketball junkies. Ava Frith skills sets, footwork, length, IQ, passing and shooting ability for her age and size is breath taking. I really don’t know if a AAU coach or even a high school coach can truly appreciate how rare this is in a kid who has grown this much physically so fast. Ava Frith’s mobility is off the charts. Not only is her lateral quickness special, her ability to stay in a basketball stance while being on balance is a joy to watch. To see a young player with her size and Versatility is simply different.
Because of her mobility and size it’s only natural for you think of Ava Frith as a post player . But once again coaches pay attention. Not only can she step away from basket and knock down jumpers. She can make all the passes, she can feed the post. She can make the hi- low pass. She can run the center or side screens and get to the rim off one dribble. But guess what coaches? This is not a big strong girl pretending to play on the Perimeter with limited skill sets. This is not a young player a coach likes, so their playing a big strong girl on the outside to develop her at the expense of the team and others. AVA FRITH CANNOT JUST PLAY AWAY FROM THE RIM… her magical elite feet and footwork allow her to guard away from the rim. Remember when I told you about that improvement curve thing? Well she just might have the biggest one going right now in the 2026 class.

Now Ava Frith plays for what many believe is the best 2026 team in the state in the NJ RISE. They along with Shoreshots are two powerhouses. The new 2026 ELYBL GEMS will now also be in that conversation. These are stacked teams. They have players who college coaches are very Familiar with already. Some are already wearing there crowns before earning them. But that’s how things go these days. But here is message to college coaches. I see and know them all. Make no mistake a lot of your recruiting dreams are going to start with AVA. That’s because Ava Frith, is not being corrupted and is locked into trying to be the best player she can be… NOT THE MOST HYPED.

Next year Ava Frith will play at powerhouse Manasquan. She will play for one of the best high school coaches in the state in Lisa Kukoda. She will team with another player who we forgot to crown Katie Collins. Ava Frith will have the best of both worlds. A first class coach known for developing great players and a true mentor. Ava Frith couldn’t have drawn it up any better. This should insure her continued development. This is also one of the reasons I believe she will be one of the most recruited players in New Jersey one day… how’s my track record in such matters? yeah exactly pretty darn good and Ava Frith is going to make me look smart.

its funny but a year ago, I never thought of Ava Frith as a great player. I took her for granted and didn’t view her the way I did other kids. But isn’t funny about the great ones. They make you notice them. They don’t quit or make excuses. There parents don’t take them, run and hide. When Ava Frith didn’t get the hype of her other AAU teammates. She didn’t jump to a new team. Ava Frith did something all coaches love. She GOT BETTER… then she GOT TALLER…. then she GOT STRONGER…. and now I can tell every D1 Coach out there. She is going to matter to you. She is going to be very important to you… THAT’’S BECAUSE BEFORE THE 2026 CLASS PLAYS ITS LAST GAME… AVA FRITH MAY BE THE … FRITH NAME YOU CALL 😄☄️