Every kid wants to make the sacrifice. They all in there in heart want to pay the price. The parents want to make all the sacrifices as well. They do it for their child. It’s only natural to help one’s child make a DREAM come true. But the truth of the matter is often the sacrifice is too much for kid and too demanding for the player. Driving from gym to gym, traveling city to city. Long nights to finish homework. Not to mention the financial burden. These are the things that halt dreams in their footsteps . These are also the sacrifices that separate one kid and family from other.  These are the things that separate  Division One players from other players … these are the things that separate TALIA ZURINSKAS from other kids. It’s why she has committed to LAFAYETTE UNIVERSITY of the Patriot League.


There are many ways to get to where you’re trying to get to in the basketball world. If that goal is Division One, there must be commitment and truth. Today kids want brand more than game. Playing for the biggest name team and having someone tweet about you is more important that development and game. These days it gets harder and harder for a kid to find truth. The thing that sends them to stars and gives them wings. Talia Zurinkas is one of the lucky ones, she went to Parkland High School. Not exactly a household basketball brand name. It just a solid basketball program that turns out good players year after year. But what it does do is give a kid a chance to grow find their way, they are willing to sacrifice. Lady Z aka Talia Zurinskas knows no other way. She has no interest in easy street. It why when everyone is running to brand name AAU teams. Running towards those who whisper sweet things into kids ears. She ran toward truth, she ran into the arms of  Dean Reiman  the director the Penn Fever and her AAU coach. There she found truth, coaching and place to grow as a player. Talia Zurinskas has made her dream come true the old fashion way….SHE HAS EARNED IT. She took the long walk to Division One basketball. The one that takes work and hearing words of truth from task masters who also gave her something else….LOVE AND THE GIFT OF DREAMING!



When TALIA ZURINSKAS committed to Lafayette University last month, she wanted to keep it a secret. She didn’t want other kids to feel bad that their ship hadn’t come in yet. It’s just part of her personality to think of others. That’s because Talia is a great kid. She also is one of the hardest workers I know. Last month after she committed she still  came to camp everyday. The two hour ride one way was not an issue for her mom, Michelle or dad, Robert. You see the grind never stops with TALIA ZURINSKA and her parents understand this. She is self motived, all they have to do is provide the support and that they have done this  in a big way. They have believed in their daughter and she has rewarded them with the one thing all parents ask of their kids…. her full commitment on and off the court.  She constantly trying to get better. It why when she arrives at Lafayette; Coach Kia Damon with think she hit the lottery. Well the fact of the matter is that she already has!



I believe to play at the Division one level. You must have a competitive nature. Anyone can wear a D1 uniform. I’m talking about playing. TALIA ZURINSKAS Is going to play and she’s going to play a lot. That’s because her competitive nature  is always on full display. Like this summer when I drove over to Sportika to watch her play. Her team lost a tough battle to the Shoreshots. After the game I stopped to say hello and to tell her how well she played. She was upset, she told me her turnovers were bad. She didn’t mention how she was double teamed while playing both the point and wing position all game. She didn’t mention all the big shots she made to keep her team in the game. She didn’t mention the many dimes. But then Talia, is always trying to figure out ways to be better. It’s funny but I will never forget her getting racked up at NBS her first day and then coming bad the next day and giving full retribution to all. She was sensational but TALIA ZURINSKAS seems to always be doing  sensational stuff.






I remember when Talia’s ,  father Robert, asked me if I thought she would get D1 offers. I laughed and said, she’d get a ton by January. Nobody with her talent and works that hard comes up empty. Well in the end Talia had multiple D1 offers. She loved almost all the schools. She also took multiple visits to many of the school recruiting her. In the end Lafayette University won her heart. But the thing I knew long before she committed  to Lafayette was this;  TALIA ZURINSKAS is different from most kids. I knew she would keep working after her commitment. I know she is a kid never satisfied. I knew her grind would never stop. I knew TALIA ZURINSKAS knew  “WHAT TIME IT WAS”⏰.  It was time to get ready for the next level. I really can’t imagine any kid walking on a college campus more prepared a year from now. We have not even seen a drop of what this kid is going to be. When her body fills out and she gets stronger, she is going to be a serious problem. Remember this is a deadly shooter with parking lot range and is athletic as hell. This is a player whose handle allows her to get her own shot. This is a player that see’s the floor and has a next level IQ. This is an impact freshman, not an ordinary freshman. TALIA ZURINSKAS Is the REAL DEAL



I call her LADY Z because she is so classy and polished at such a young age. When she walked into the gym for the first time at NBS at 8 in the morning an hour before her class started and showed not a drop of hesitation…I KNEW! Her father refused to watch and jetted out. He knew his daughter could hang with anyone given the opportunity. Now the question is can they hang with TALIA ZURINSKAS because her level of commitment is something most cannot tell with.  I called Talia last week. She was on vacation. She told me she couldn’t remember that last time she didn’t get in the gym. I told it was good to take a break. She said “I’m just getting so itchy to get back in the gym” well she had only been on vacation for a day. But that’s Talia, never taking anything for granted. I guess it’s safe to say to  folks in the Patriot  better KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS NOW…..because it’s LADY Z TIME




TALIA ZURINSKAS OFFICIAL VIDEO…. Talia and Lafayette University know what time it is:)










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