If there is one thing I’m sure about this year. One thing every college  coach can write into stone. One thing that Shore fans are going to discover very quickly. That one thing is Daniella Matus,  is on of the three best two way players in the state of New Jersey. We are not talking one day. No,  the 2025 guard Daniella Matus, is one of the best right now. She is one of those rare players that can take over a game on both sides of the ball. One of the players that change a game on the dime. DANIELLA MATUS is about to become that talk of the town and you can bet on that as well.

We live in a different era this days. I like to call it the hit and run era. These days when a kid has  a few big moments and receives a few offers, they  runs and hide. They hope to ride these few moments  into the land of milk and honey. They do their best to protect their image and new found reputation. The ramp up the social media. The hype videos become more important than the game itself. They brag about the offers on social media to hopefully trick a few folks drinking the Kool Aid. Daniella Matus, has POWER 5 offers and I believe they are going to be on the table for a long time. That’s because she is a P5 defender and P5 offensively. Meaning her game is legit. Not courtesy of being crowed by the in crowd.  Daniella Matus can actually play. She doesn’t need to use hit and run tactics.

When Daniella Matus established herself as one of the best freshman in the state while at Morris Catholic. People who didn’t know better tried to throw her in a box. They wanted you to believe she was a stand still still “3” point specialist. Her job was to sit outside and wait for Mia Pauldo to kick her the ball. But for those who know Daniella Matus. There knew she handled the ball like a point guard. In fact many like myself believe she will play pint guard in college. That’s because her ability to get to the rim and play though contact is truly a gift. Daniella in transition is murder because of her electric playing making skills. No Daniella is a Power 5 offensive talent. Not because of her shooting skills but rather because she can open up her game in so many ways with or without the ball. Not many pure shooters can do this and few as well as Danielle Matus. So don’t try to label her because she brings so much creativity to the game with a ball in her hands. The shooting is just so good you get blindsided and don’t see the entire package.

© Laura Bruen

If you really want to know what makes Daniella special. Look no further than her cat like quick feet, her active hands that cause deflections and havoc to would be passers. Now thrown in her length and physicality and you have an elite next level defender. Daniella Matus is one of the best young defenders these eyes has seen in years. Maybe she learned it from chasing the Pauldo twins for two years. Maybe it’s because she has played against every big time guard the state of New Jersey has to offer. I think it’s for a different reason. I think Daniella Matus has something that is disappearing in the game today. She has “PRIDE” and a willingness  to not only be aggressive on defense but smart. To often today, kids think playing hard is enough. They mistake activity with production. They think stealing the ball is defense. No turning your man in the backcourt is defense. Be physical without fouling is defense. Playing team defense is defense. Getting on the defensive glass is defense. Daniella does all these things. That’s because she has the ultimate competitive nature.

There is no hit and run, cat and mouse game when it comes to Danielle Matus. She is about getting in the gym. She is all about the challenge and putting herself and reputation on the line. That only comes with confidence and knowing your game is real. It’s why she went to Morris Catholic as a freshman and Sophomore. When some other  guards would have run for the hills in fear of  losing playing time, shots, hype, status  all became the Pauldo sisters were there. Daniella Matus, just did what she always does at Morris Catholic, adjust her game. You see only the great ones at an early age can do this.




It should not surprise anyone that she is attending SJV. When the family decided to move to the Shore to be closer to her grandparents. Only one school was logical. SJV!! Because  Daniella wanted the daily competition in practice, the competitive schedule and the coaching. She wanted all the real things that matter when a kid embraces challenges not promises. Daniella will never be satisfied, she always wants to get better. Daniella isn’t sitting around bragging about P5 offers… she is too busy growing her game and being one of the best

TWO WAY PLAYERS IN NEW JERSEY… hit and run? Nope, for Danielle it’s all the realreal




A player with a true work ethic and desire to reach another level, can put a full days work in
1. After School shooting➡️2. Point Guard School➡️3. Ball handling shooting




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