Some kids when they get multiple D1 offers are satisfied. They feel good and love the idea of playing basketball at the next level. Sophie Nascimento is one of those kids. The difference is Sophie Nascimento is never satisfied with game. She is constantly searching for more ways to grow as a player. Sophie clearly has her PHD in her bag at all times. She is ⬇️

P- Passionate

H- Hungry



NBS ALL STAR GAME MVP … Sophia Nascimento

I like players who enjoy the game. You know the players who play with joy. You know those players when they get on the floor you sense as if they are walking on clouds. They smile, cheer for teammates and play because they love the game. Sophie Nascimento is one of those kids. If there’s a  game going on. She wants to be in it. There is another thing I like, players with game. Players whose game match their hype. There is no hype when it comes to Sophie Nascimento game. That’s because she is the real deal.


College coaches love to recruit kids that have a competitive nature. But they also love kids that perform. Being competitive without performing can be a problem when it comes to one’s job security. Sophie Nascimento does not just have a competitive nature. She has game, a college body and a IQ to go along with her next level competitive nature. She is that player whose game fully transfers to the next level. She’s that guard with all the craftinesses of a season veteran. She has all the  finishing moves in the lane. She uses both hands to spin or arc the ball off the backboard vs elite defenders. She has the dirty pull up game. There are some who questioned her shooting range. Silly rabbits tricks are for kids not killer recruiters doing their homework. Sophie Nascimento is a deadly shooter from 27 feet. Dem be facts not hype. When you’re only a sophomore with a college ready body it’s no surprise mid majors offer early. When you have powerful legs, a strong core and strong hands and a hound dog on defense. High majors start knocking. When your basketball IQ is off the charts because you have been totally coached up in AAU and high school… you become the solution to a lot of problems for a lot of programs at the next level.

These days it seems college coaches are throwing scholarships around like candy. A kid gets a reputation. Enough folks say the right words often enough and the kid is a star. Not many people brag about Sophie Nascimento. Her insanely talented EMPRIE AAU team has maybe the best freshman on the east coast in Julia Scott. Then have one of the best 2025 guards in the country in Cam Nelson. Sophie  knows the two gather most of the attention. But when you’re a good teammate and you have real game. You feel blessed to play with such talented kids. This summer at NBS Sophie got to play with a few more talented players in the the Top 20 ALL STAR  game. The game featured kids going from UCONN to High Majors. Every player in the game had committed or  been offered by  a D1 school. It was a who’s who of talent.  But there can only be one MVP. That MVP was Sophie Nascimento. The first sophomore in 21 years to win the ALL STAR game MVP. I don’t need to read you the names of the kids who have played in that game this year or in the past. There all rock stars and soon SOPHIE NASCIMENTO will be spoken about in the same breath .

Empire ‘25 Coach Kelly Guarino

Next summer Sophia will play for Irish National team. She’ll take that infectious smile and gentile way overseas. It should be a great experience for her. But when she returns next summer the difference will be, is that she’ll the apple of every high majors eyes. Let me tell you why the BIG EAST , A-10 and yes P5 will be seeking her services. You see the improvement curve always tells the story. Sophie Nascimento, is coached by two rock stars, in high school at Ursuline and AAU by her Empire Coach Kelly Guarino. It’s why Sophie keeps improving each year. Like a A-10 head coach said⬇️

she is passing by a lot of kids with big  recruiting profiles “…

I guess  when you drive 2 hours one way to camp  in a different state all week to for two weeks. Your expectations and goals are just a little difference than everyone else. It why your improvement curve never stops and a tip for college coaches, never forget, the improvement curve is always the measuring stick…ALWAYS. Sophie Nascimento measures up with the best of the best.






I know kids with talent. I know kids with a competitive nature. I’m blessed to seen and coached many of them. But I know few kids these days with the love of the game and commitment of SOPHIE NASCIMENTO. Kids like Sophie are getting harder and harder to find these days. Sophia clearly will play at the D1 level. The real  question is what level? A question that makes me ROTFL.. because one day real soon,  SOPHIE NASCIMENTO name will be called during the starting lineup for a HIGH MAJOR …. and dem be the facts not hype

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