Today kids too often talk about how hard they are working. How there putting in work on their own. I hear kids say just because you don’t see me doesn’t mean I am not working. All of that may be true. Yet when I see a kid and there game looks to same or hasn’t evolved I know that truth. You see a players games speaks so more louder than words. Gen Fara of Point Boro is a player who has clearly put in work. That’s because a blind man can see her development as a player. Folks there is a old say…GAME RECOGNIZE GAME…AND GEN FARA GAME IS LOOKING VERY FAMILIAR
This past season something caught my eye. It certainly was anything that was earth shattering. Neptune beat Point Boro in a very close game. Neptune at that time was a Top 10 team in the Asbury Park. So them getting a win over Point Boro was not big news. But what was interesting to me was a player had 12 points, 11 rebounds and 4 assist for Point Boro. When I saw the name Genevieve Fara attached to the name. I wondered if that was the girl who I would see working out at the Hoop Group sometimes. I later found out that it was indeed Gen. A young lady who I thought was a nice kid who appeared to enjoy basketball. I wondered to myself back then why she didn’t jump in and play with the other girls. My thought was, maybe didn’t have the confidence to do so. I really think didn’t think much of Gen Fara those days. That is until I saw the Neptune score.

Last season I keep a eye on Point Boro from a distance. So once in a while I’d peek in on their team. What did I notice? It seemed every night Gen Fara was putting on real numbers. It seemed every night she was putting up a double/double from the guard position. The numbers were impressive to say the least. But what impressed me most was it seemed each game her numbers got better and she performed better. Her season ended with a show stopping performance with Point Beach in a two point lost. FARA had 23 points, 6 rebounds and 5 steals. It was the crowning performance of her junior year. It was clear signal that she was evolving as a player. But if the truth be told I didn’t know what to think about this young lady. You see when you play in Ocean County people don’t really give you credit as a player as easily as in other places. There is always a question mark attached to a players accomplishments. Gen Fara was no different. You had to wonder if what she was doing is real or not. This side of Destiny Adams there are few Ocean County kids who play high level AAU and fewer who train in competitive environments. So it very easy for a talented player to get lost. Gen Fara could have been on her way to joining the many talented Ocean kids who got lost along the way. Except that is about to change.
Last winter I saw a young lady doing squats on twitter. It was beyond impressive. That player was Gen Fara and it was strange to watch for me. That’s because I couldn’t understand how a kid could be so dedicated to getting their body in such great shape, yet I rarely saw her in the gym working on her basketball skills. I thought she clearly must have a 2nd sport which was her real sport. I remember looking at her her highlight tape. It was impressive and any coach who watched that tape had to be impressed. Except I thought to myself again, is she really playing against good competition or is just racking up numbers? Well last week I got the answers to all my questions about Gen Fara. That’s because out on nowhere a girl walked into point guard school last Monday. I knew exactly who she was when she walked up to the table and asked the person checking in players “Can I walk in and pay just for today”. I jumped in the conversation right away and said yes! That’s because I wanted to see this young lady play with my own eyes. At first I thought she may be there doing a workout with a coach… instead she was jumping into the fire. I know my style is not for everyone, so I knew Gen Fara jumping was not a easy thing for her to do…but there she was, ready to go…and coaches OMG DID SHE GO!

When GEN FARA walked on the floor, the first thing I noticed was her body. She had the body of college senior. It was clear, this was the best conditioned player in the gym by a country mile. But a great body does not make a great basketball player unless they have ability. Gen Fara showed so much ability that day. It was shocking and at times, even breathtaking. Her power and speed had no match. Her quickness to the ball was even more impressive. But seeing her skill set blew me away. Her passing and basketball IQ is special. She has a combination of talents that are mind blowing at times. But more than all that. The most impressive thing of all about Gen Fara is this….HER MENTAL TOUGHNESS AND COMPETITIVE NATURE…JUMP OFF THE PAGE…
That night I went and watched Pt. Boro on video. I watched a few hours of Gen Fara. It was impressive to say the least. I realize she is not a great defender. But clearly one of the best defenders in the Shore. I clearly made a big mistake leaving off the All defensive team. She showed a next level handle and shooting touch. After watching all that video, all those doubts about her game were put to rest. But I keep thinking to myself. How could a kid who has such a strong body, mind and soul, be so off the recruiting grid. How can a kid with so much ability and talent be so missed? This was a classic example of a player simply not being in the right places at the right time. But I can tell you that is going to change. That’s because I have seen Gen Fara against ballers and everything you see in those videos are real…. she is the real deal. There is no doubt somebody is going to discover this hidden gem. She has a work ethic, desire and talent. These things are hard to find these days. ..GEN FARA HAS ALL THAT AND MORE.…Coaches take this a PSA, this young lady is going to make somebody very happy one day….BANK ON IT!