Every time I watch Shea Donnelly play it brings a smile to my face. That’s because she is a true throwback type player. She is highly productive and does it all the right way. There is never any antics or attention grabbing moves. She just shows up quietly and leaves with a bang. Shea Donnelly doesn’t get much attention from the media. If the truth be told she is under appreciated and I’m about to tell you why.
Now I may know a thing or two about D1 players. There are kids this minute collecting D1 scholarships in the Shore Conference. Kids that Shea Donnelly is much better than. Not because I’m saying that. But rather because she has proved it over and over. I watched it at NBS CAMP one summer. She was the only 2025 to play in the All Star game. I watched it this summer during the AAU season as she and her team took out teams loaded with P5 and D1 players with big reputations, including the 2025 Shoreshots team. These are facts and if you don’t mind me saying, “ the video don’t lie”. Shea Donnelly just doesn’t make a lot of noise and if I was being totally truthful, she has not been in the best places to gain the exposure she deserves. But that may be changing. That’s because she is off to a great start this high school season.
Now you may be surprised by what Shea Donnelly has done so far this season. Then again you may not even know, what she’s been up too. That goes for D1, college coaches as well. But newsflash it all didn’t start with her performance against Trinity to open the season. The would be an injustice to say that. You see, this fall Shea Donnelly was one of Manasquan best players. It’s just hard for people to come to grips with saying those words. Just like it hard for people to admit Shea Donnelly is the best shooter on the Manasquan team. That’s because she has mastered the art of timely shooting. Just like she is the best perimeter defender on her Manasquan squad. Yup, you heard that correct and if you’re not lazy. Go chart her defensive stats against Trinity and Holmdel. You see, you can hide from facts. It’s just Shea Donnelly doesn’t always have a light shinning on her the way others do. Let’s just be truthful, SHEA DONNELLY HAS NEVER BEEN CROWNED. She has had to earn everything.
Gaining the respect she so rightfully deserves has not come easy for Shea. But that just may all be changing. That’s because it’s hard to deny her impact on Manasquan right now. It’s hard to deny her wonderful unselfish passing. Its hard to deny the beautiful of play without the ball. It’s hard to deny she maybe, more than any other player, may be responsible for the new found chemistry that has escaped Manasquan recently. She made the extra pass and teamwork look fashionable at Manasquan. She doesn’t complain about coming off the bench despite being one of the most productive players on the roster. She just comes in quietly and brings energy and toughness. Not with fake hustle or jumping in the air wavering her hands like you just don’t care. No she shows up with her wonderful IQ and rock star type decision making. She simply is bringing the things to the table championship teams need.
Soon Shea Donnelly is going to get recognized as one of the best players in the 2025 class. Not because I say so, but rather because it’s a fact. She has quietly accepted any role asked of her to do by the Squan coaching staff. She is not a drama queen. That’s because she has total confidence in her game. She knows she can play with anyone, regardless of the opponent’s reputation. The only question left for Shea Donnelly is when everyone else going to wake up and recognize the truth… SHE IS A D1 player and of the biggest reasons why Manasquan is thinking a SHORE CHAMPIONSHIP!
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