KATIE COLLINS doesn’t like a lot of attention. It’s been over 3 weeks since she committed to college. Katie Collins doesn’t feel the need to have the spotlight shine on her at every moment. She doesn’t need credit for playing well or working hard or going to one of the best schools in the world. You see Katie Collins is old school in a lot of ways. She shows up does her job and goes home. There is no drama or Craving for attention. It’s why everyone loves Katie Collins and nobody loves KATIE COLLINS MORE THAN IVY SCHOOL POWER THE U OF PENN.


Mike McLaughlin Is the Head Coach at U PENN. He is one of the rare ones in coaching today. He is someone who is not just a great coach. But someone that is filled with integrity. He is someone who gets the most out of his players. But more importantly his players love him, his staff loves him, his administration loves him. Everyone loves Coach Mike McLaughlin. It’s why every year when other bigger brand name basketball programs  try to steal him away. He says “NO THANKS”. It’s funny two of the most well like people in a sport are coming together. Katie Collins had to make a tough choice before choosing UPENN. She had other great schools recruiting her. But she decided in the end, that she could not walk away from a UPENN education. She decided the WHARTON SCHOOL is something you don’t say no too. So like her future head coach she said “NO THANKS”  to all the other  college basketball programs who had dreams of  coaching the 6’2″ do it all swing from Manasquan. Now two great people will team up at a great school and do great things. Mike McLaughlin and Katie Collins are perfect fit for each other. That because good people think a lot a like and U Penn is thinking more Ivy League Titles.


When I think of what KATIE COLLINS has become it really isn’t that big of a surprise. First you must know she doesn’t turn 17 until later in the year. That is a scary thought because it means she is still maturing physically. When you look at Katie Collins it clear she was hit with the beauty stick. She is a classic example of the TRIPLE B EFFECT.... you know,  BEAUTY..BRAINS AND A BALLER.  Katie Collins is a gym rat and a worker all in one. You see many kids spend hours in the gym but they are just sweating. Katie Collins gets in the gym and develops. She comes down for her shooting sessions with Mike Rice every week. She never cheats in her training, KATIE COLLINS always give you 100% you don’t have to beg for it or motivate her. She is a self starter and player that in search for more always . KATIE  COLLINS  cheats the game, a coach or a teammate.  It’s how she has become one of the best players in all of New Jersey. She does it all without the belles and whistles. There is no media hype, social media hype or any hype at all just performances.


Last year Katie Collins was named “The Hoop Group” MOST IMPROVED PLAYER. The fact of the matter is, she could win the award every year. That’s because nobody has developed the way she has since her freshman year. When Mike McLaughlin called me and said “ I’m going to offer Katie Collins because she she just keeps getting better” I was not surprised because Mike McLaughlin is all about kids growing as people and players.  Lots of Coaches talk about these things but few rarely back it up with their actions. Katie Collins grown as a player every year since entering Manasquan three years ago. She has done it all with class and trust. She has trusted her Coach Lisa Kukoda and teammates every step of the way. It’s the reason she has developed into an all around player. Katie Collins went from a skinny wide eyed opened post player as a freshman to one of the most versatile players in the state. She can handle the ball like a point guard, pass the ball like a point guard, shoot the three ball like a wing. She can crush you with her mid range and transition game with or without the ball.  She can post up and become is an elite lane protector on defense. She can play any position on the floor and excel. In other words her game is complete. UPENN is getting a player that will be ready from day one to make a contribution. They will get a player that during hard times won’t fold. They are getting a player who won’t whine and cry when she doesn’t get the ball. She’ll just play harder and figure out another way to make her presence known. UPENN getting a player that we’ll play not for herself but for the name in the front of her jersey. U PENN is getting a Mike McLaughlin kid though and though!


KATIE COLLINS parents Jen and Mark are her biggest supporters. They encourage her to work hard and to always expect more of herself. Her mother who played at Lehigh is the emotional support. She is the main reason Katie Collins just may be the most level headed player we have seen in years. Her father is the driving force. He is the one that believes in Katie’s greatness and makes sure Katie knows she is special and can be special. What both parents have in common is they have taught Katie to roll with the punches and to always be ready. To take advantage of her opportunities. Not to complain, be bitter or selfish when things are not going  the way you like it, regardless of why. That’s exactly what Katie has done over the years. She has learned not everything is fair, not everyone plays the right way. She has learned to be bigger than the drama.  Her brother Jack is a star at Monmouth University. He was one of the best freshman in the CAA. He has had to claw his way to the top when nobody believed in him except his mom and dad. He was a great role model for Katie Collins and showed her what hard work can produce. Katie is lucky, she has two parents that understand how all this stuff in youth basketball works. They have figured out how to be above the politics and nonsense along the way. It’s the biggest reason KATIE COLLINS IS OFF TO THE WHARTON SCHOOL.

Katie Collins is getting a once in a lifetime opportunity. She will be one of 4  in her class to get accepted into the Wharton School. But Katie Collins has been doing big things her entire young life. I think the best word to describe Katie Collins is  “SWEET”. Everyday when she walks in the gym I scream her name out loud.  I yell, “her everyone Katie Collins is in the gym” …But she pays me no attention and keeps walking to her workout. She doesn’t want attention no matter how hard you try to give it to her. I know she will not want me to blog about her amazing accomplishment. But this is not about Katie today. It’s about showing parents and other kids how to make a dream come true. You can do big things and still be a nice person. You can root for your kid without trying to dim the light on others kids. You just have to teach your child that working hard, working smart  and having a little mental toughness are the keys too SUCESS. Then maybe just, maybe you can be part of that small, rare  group of kids that get to say…. MOM AND DAD I’M GOING TO THE THE WHARTON SCHOOL…. Congratulations to KATIE COLLINS AND UPENN





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