This week a robbery took place. It may have been one of the biggest heist of the year. This robbery was different than most. That’s because this robbery took place in broad daylight in front of so many who were were watching. This was the type of robbery that makes some people rich…. rich in talent that is. That’s because HOFRSTA UNIVERSITY HEAD COACH Danielle Santos Atkinson pulled off a recruiting brinks job by getting a verbal commitment from LONG ISLAND LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL GUARD point guard …. EMMA VON ESSEN.

Three years ago I watched Emma Von Essen playing for LUHI in a high school basketball tournament at Homdel high school in New Jersey. You didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that she was going to be a special player one day. Her basketball IQ for such a young player was rare. Even more rare was her ability to handle pressure. It may have been the reason her high school coach at the time, Rich Slator after the game told me. Emma Von Essen was going to be special. You see Coach Slator was one of the best high school coaches of all time. He has seen the best of the best. When he stamps his approval on a kid, it’s like magic dust has been sprinkled on that player. Emma Von Essen has been magical it seems since the first time I put eyes on her. She is that rare player, that makes everyone and everything around her better. That’s because Emma Von Essen has learned her craft better than most. No strike that, Emma Von. ESSEN is as good as it gets when it come to playing the point guard position. Hofstra University is getting a point guard that will make them smile for years to come. They are getting a winner as a player and a person. The Hofstra University culture just got better this week. Ever player on there team got better this week. That’s because EMMA VON ESSEN raises the level of play and character anywhere she goes.

It’s strange because I lost track of Emma Von Essen after seeing her play at Holmdel three years ago. But it was Team Rio that brought her back into view for me. That’s because I was watching video of Team Rio one afternoon, when I saw the perfect point guard play. I had no idea who she was. So I called Bernie Heine, the mom of Georgia Heine who plays for Team Rio. She told me that point guard was Emma Von Essen. It was then I realized it was the same point guard from LUHI. Except now she was a little bigger and stronger. She also added something to her game as well. A deadly elite jump shot. It was clear watching on tape NOBODY could run pick and roll better or could control the tempo of a game better. It seemed to me Emma Von Essen was the ultimate point guard. I thought that whoever signed EMMA VON ESSEN was getting a game changing point guard. That was until Covid 19 hit.

Everyone talks about how Covid has affected so many kids. They talk about how so many talented kids have been missed due to Covid 19. That is very true and for some getting recruited has been a problem. But what nobody is talking about is how Covid 19 has allowed many of colleges, especially D1 schools, well at least those who do there homework; to commit highway robbery and that’s exactly what Hofstra University has done. You see I am convinced Covid 19 has helped Hofstra land the best pure point guard I know in the 2022 class. Yes I think Emma Von Essen is that good. I also think her losing her high school season last year year, put the wheels on motion for Hofstra to pull off the steal of the year. You see I have some of the most recruited point guards on the East Coast in my NBS program and along the way. I have kids who had offers to P5 schools and been All State or currently playing at high major D1 schools. Yet here is a fact, none are as good as EMMA VON ESSEN and folks I mean none. You see that’s because I see them play in person vs killers and the video don’t lie… EMMA VON ESSEN’s game is 100% the truth baby💪🏀👏

I got to know Emma Von Essen and her family in the past year. They are good people, they are people who understand nothing is given and all is earned. I watched them navigate the recruiting process that could have easily made their daughter a casualty. Yet at no point did they blink or question how this would all end up. You see Emma dad is a coach and more importantly a person who believes in his daughter’s ability. Not once was there a hint of doubt in his mind regarding Emma. Just like his wife who trust me is one of the most positive people you will meet. They knew the end game and knew their daughter had big things waiting on her, regardless of all the road blocks she faced. Together they have watched Emma have her big moment this week. Now they get to share in her big moment as a family. That’s because Emma Von Essen’s dreams have come true. Those dreams that started so long ago. That took her across the country doing what she does best...playing hoops better than most ever dreamed was possible.

In the end the offers started to roll in for Emma Von Essen, this summer. That’s because when talent and good people come together great things happen. LUHI has been family for Emma, Team Rio continues to deliver for kids and keep there promises… RARE IN AAU these days. Coach Slator gets to finally put his head on the pillow knowing his talented guard has a home. The VON ESSEN FAMILY YOU ASK? Well they get to see there Angel play every night… THATS BECAUSE SHE IS STAYING HOME YTO PLAY FOR HOFRSTRA UNIVERSITY 😄👏💕🙏