There is a storm brewing in Ocean County. That storm is called Donavan Catholic. Armed with a army of transfers and a returning roster of experienced players, Donavan Catholic is making it known there back. Before Manchester and Destiny Adams were the Queens of Ocean County, Donavan Catholic held that title. Now Donavan wants that title back. They have the pieces in play to do exactly that this season.

Coach Glenn Jansen’s Donovan Catholic team is loaded with proven scorers and players. They have every position checked from guards to forwards. They also have something all coaches like.. VERSATILITY. Coach Jansen will have a chance to move players around as he sees fit. If this summer and fall offered any indication of what to expect. Then Donovan Catholic fans are in for a sweet ride. This summer Donovan Catholic sent Manchester a serious message when they defeated them in the Pt Boro summer league. What does a summer league game mean? Nothing, except it does pump energy and excitement into a the Donovan Catholic program. Donovan Catholic picked up three mega impact transfers and return five impact seniors from a year ago. Giving them a deep roster and flexibility to challenge anyone in Ocean County.

While Coach Jansen and Donovan Catholic are excited about the season. They will have to mix the old with the new quickly. Not having summer workouts has to hurt. While not a team known for being gym rats as they have players who play multiple spots. But Donavan did play in NO BOYZ ALLOWED.. exposing them to high levels of competition. If Donovan Catholic has any dreams of representing Ocean Country in the SCT TOP 8. They will have to beat Manchester as that is the only top team on their scheduled. But if the truth be told Donovan Catholic may be content with being a Ocean County powerhouse. Playing in the 2nd group of the SCT 8 may give them a chance to win a championship and send their seniors out with a chip. While Ocean will press hard for a 2nd team in the Top 8; it’s highly unlikely. The expectations for Donovan Catholic are high this year because the players expect so much of themselves. They believe they can shake up Ocean County… the TOOLS ARE CERTAINLY IN PLACE. Everyone will be asked to play new roles from a year ago. The good news is the soft schedule will give Donovan Catholic time to work out the kinks until they play Manchester late in the season.

Jordan Keating it seems has been around forever. If not for Covid 19, she was a lock to score 1000 points. She was First Team All division as a junior and is one of the best players in Ocean County. Her ability to score makes her an important part of anything Donovan Catholic hopes to achieve this year. Keating scored a whopping 368 points last year. She is capable of having monster nights and putting Donovan Catholic on her back. She will attend D2 East Stroudsburg University. JORDAN KEATING IS THE FACE OF DONOVAN CATHOLIC BASKETBALL.

ALEXANDRA GELOSI been solid as a rock in her time at Donovan Catholic. She does a little of everything for Donovan Catholic. She is a reliable scorer and defender. She will take care of the ball and play with purpose. The ego free senior will do whatever is asked of her. She is the one player who will have no problem adjusting to her new teammates. The Captain has seen it all over the years and knows her time has arrived. If Donovan Catholic gets in a tight spot Coach Jansen knows he can turn to the underrated and under appreciated ALEXANDRA GELOSI

GABRIELLA ROSS was named first team All Freshman last season before transferring from Manchester. The future D1 guard at times last season, carried her Manchester team on offense. Ross will bring something new to Donovan Catholic.. A ferocious competitive nature on both sides of the ball. Ross can play all three guard spots. She is a underrated passer and takes pride on defense. The combination of Donovan Catholic’s schedule and the new found freedom she will receive. Ross could end up as one of the leading scorers in the entire Shore Conference.. Coach Jansen and her teammates would welcome such a season from Gabbie Ross.

KYA JOSEPH played last year for Barnegat High School and put up massive numbers. I saw her in action once this fall and believed she had D1 potential. One thing I am sure of, Kya Joseph will be one of the 5 best players in Ocean County. Her numbers last year could stand up to any player in the entire Shore Conference. She is long, athletic and HIGHLY SKILLED. She is floating under the radar but hopes that will all change this year. She had 468 points and 267 rebounds.. enough said… with ability to knock down jumpers or get to the rim. She also brings a competitive nature that she hopes she can pass along to her new teammates .. this is a major pickup… anyone that has multiple 30 point scoring games as a sophomore, I guess is a major, major pickup.

SHELBY BARKSDALE played last season at Mater Dei and was 1st team all Division. She can and will play all five positions for Donovan Catholic. She has a rock solid handle and can score at all three levels. She has a burning desire to take her game to another level. Barksdale has a strong body and perfect attitude. She will accept any role assigned to her. Barksdale just may be the player who puts Donovan Catholic over the top. She is a remarkable consistent player. Donovan Catholic will know what they’re getting every night. No flash and dash just serious production every night.

Senior EMMA CONROY has gained valuable experience over the years. She is tough and athletic. The quick guard can play multiple positions. She has proven she can score, as she had multiple double figure scoring games. CONROY will be a very important part of everything Donovan Catholic. Coach Jansen clearly has confidence in OLIVIA CONROY. This year her role will expand and there’s no question she is up to the task. She is a big time tennis player and understands how to win…. She is a proven senior.

Senior MACKENZIE KOPF, somebody has to do the dirty work and Mackenzie Kopf will play this role for Donovan Catholic again this year. She is a reliable rebounder and the teams best post defender. Her real value this year will be in a games vs Top competition, she will be needed in a big way. She will be asked to slow down big post players and rebound in traffic. She is a experienced senior who has been in the battles. She will not fold when things get hot. She is Donovan Catholic’s most important post player. More importantly she plays her role and will do anything Coach Jansen ask of her.

Next year Donovan Catholic will be the clear favorite to rule Ocean County. But right now they feel they can beat any team in Ocean. The attitude seems to be… WHY WAIT? This is a team with real senior leadership, D1 players and a real competitive nature. Gabby Ross was injured most of the fall. But when I saw her in the gym this fall, her passion was clearly there and the excitement in her voice was clear as day… Kya Joseph and Shelby Barksdale will get a chance to play on a big stage finally. They will get a chance to show the world they are D1 type talents. Captains Jordan Keating and have been Alexandra Gelosi for this moment for three years… the MOMENT DONOVAN CATHOLIC ARE QUEENS OF THE BALL AGAIN!
St. Rose