Today the recruiting game is at lighting speed. One day your all the rage and the next day a forgotten soul. These things could happen because a kid often believes their hype at an early age. Then again there are those without the hype and are just more hungry. It’s not how the recruiting game starts it’s how it ends. It’s not who is the best now. It’s who develops the most in the end. Rising 9th graders know the importance of building their name recognition. But then again they understand name recognition without development means nothing. So today I send a message to every D1 Coach, you better take my words seriously. NAIMA SOLIVAN is a true 2029 rising Freshman. These days she looks entirely different than every kid in her class.

I met NAIMA SOLIVAN 2 years ago. She was long for days. She had quick feet and hands. But she lacked, strength and shooting range. She had lots of potential. But the truth of the matter is, lots of kids have potential. The question is what they do with it. So here is my first message to college coaches. Nobody in the 2029 class has maximized their potential more than NAIMA SOLIVAN.. .REPEAT NOBODY! She has a work ethic from the heavens and she understands what is important. Being competitive and building her IQ. She has mastered both of these skill sets. It’s why these days she has taken her game to another level.

The best coaches put pressure on kids. Especially those without big reputations. They squeeze their talent and back them into a corner. They make them understand, the only way out is to fight. Average players struggle with this type of pressure. Their parents often try to protect them when heat turns into fire. So here is my 2ND MESSAGE to D1 coaches. The more pressure you put on NAIMA SOLIVAN, the more she responds. I crush her in training. I question her effort and commitment. I criticize every little minor mistake she makes. There is no where for her to hide. But like all the great ones, she eats it all up and takes her game to another level. Her father sits in the stands and watches his daughter get attacked and mauled by a coach, who is hell bent on squeezing her talent until she begs for mercy, relief and a break and he never says a word. That’s because NAIMA SOLIVAN, begs but she begs for more. She is relentless in her pursuit to greatness. She is willing to do whatever is necessary.

THIS Is my 3rd message to D1 coaches about NAIMA SOLIVAN. You will marvel at how smooth she is as a player. You will love that she is left handed. Your mouth will water when you see the length and quickness. You will be amazed at the shooting range. You’ll wonder how such a young player can score in the post or step out. You’ll watch her ball handling and passing skills and ask how does she play so unselfishly in a time where young kids only care about scoring? Coaches you’re going to fall in love with NAIMA SOLIVAN for all the wrong reasons… because those are the things you will see. But I know the stuff you don’t see.

NAIMA SOLIVAN has to drive 75- 90 mins after school to get to training. She does this 5 days a week. See that’s called sacrifice and commitment. But it doesn’t tell the real story. She NAIMA SOLIVAN. understands how to relate to her peers. She and her dad are drama free. Do I really have to tell you how important this is to your culture. That’s because drama queens don’t change and either do their parents at the next level. D1 Coaches what you don’t understand is NAIMA SOLIVAN attitude and body language is flat out the best in the 2029 class by a country mile. Never do you see her expressing dissatisfaction with teammates and coaches. You see NAIMA SOLIVAN’S non basketball intangibles are light years ahead of her peers. When you sign her one day. You will be signing not a high school kid. But rather a kid with the maturity of a player coming out of the portal… see that’s REAL TALK!

Now my Final message to D1 coaches. Do not take my words lightly. There is nothing more important than ego and the improvement curve. These two things always determine the future of a young player. Every parent thinks they can be the one that bucks this. They will find like countless others, these two are undefeated. If the “EGO” is more concerned with hype and perception. More concerned with brand names and the stuff that doesn’t matter. The potential is rarely filled. I call it feel good moments. The bragging period. But basketball development is not about moments, it’s about the long game. The improvement curve is always the measuring stick. Always has been and always will be when projecting a kids future. Make no mistake … nobody in the 2029 class that I have seen can come close to NAIMA SOLIVAN improvement curve. It’s why I tell everyone who asks me… NAIMA SOLIVAN will soon be the 2029 G.O.A.T IN NEW JERSEY!


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