Another April recruiting period is in the books. The many kids playing in the open period were hoping to just start or increase their recruiting stock. There were a number of players from around the area who did just that. But there is no question which team stole the weekend. Just like he stole the show for most of the High School season, Joe Whalen has done it again. First he did it with his Shore Shots team and then a team made up of his St. Rose team blew opponents away as they are becoming the real rock stars of AAU basketball. When the stacked Whalen ShoreShots team from a year ago lost 4 D1 players to college most thought this spring and summer would be a tough go at it for the remaining players. Well if this weekend proved anything, its this. The Whalen Shoreshots are going nowhere, as they had there way with a opponents this weekend at Spooky Nook. The Shore Shots shocked everyone as they went 5-0 for the weekend. But more importantly watched as each player almost to a person saw there stock rise.



Megan Furch is proving me to be a great predictor of the future. I have long said Furch is a underrated player that will soon break out. Well  this weekend was just that start as she blew college coaches away with her perfomace thoughtout the weekend. It was not the 17 points she had in game one that impressied college coaches but shockingly the three’s and the tough rebounding that made them stand up. The 6ft Fruch is going to be very happy before the summer is over and so is the school who gains her services. As one college coach texted me “It going to be hard to keep Fruch a secret the entire summer” I agree coach, your job is getting a little harder.


Catlin Caroll folks is on a serious mission and Joe Montano is going to a happy man come next season. Catlin Carroll according to coaches was not good but great. She scored in every way possible, three’s, off the dribble and in tranisition. She is watching her stock rise not only coaches eyes, but in the eyes of anyone watching her play this spring….its been an amazing transformation.

Haley Dolanzo is flat out a beast folks and if I get one more text calling her the toughest kid they saw all weekend I am going to challenge her to a match. There is no question Dolanzo will get a number of D1 offers before the summer is over.

unnamed[2] Playing well produces smiles

Sid Sabino again proved she is one of the best shooters in the state and added a few things to her game, like getting to the rim and a mid range game. Sabino will have some real tough decisions to make regarding college, she is an A+ plus honor student.

Gabbie Davis sprained her ankle but played enough for a college coach to say this ” tiny you are right about Davis girl, she is better than you said she was, I LOVE HER”


Nicole Morris who has comittied to Holy Cross played like somebody shot her out of a cannon according to one coach. Her twin sister shot the ball all weekend and open the eyes of coaches watching. Lindsey Morris is going to surprise everyone…JUST WATCH, scored double figures in two games this weekend.


Joe Whalen’s finger prints are all over the Laux Lighting team. The team is becoming the AAU rock stars of the summer. They have mega D1 talent in every position and could make a case they have the best young player in every position in shore. They have mega talented babies, they have big time post and crazy athletic wings. The Laux/Roth  team went 4-1 this weekend play up against top talent. They played up and showed they are the “IT” team this summer. Joe Whalen has proven to be a master not just in high school but AAU as well. More importantly he has done it with two different organizations….




They won there pool and went 3-1 over the weekend. But the real story is Faith Masonius made it official as she wowed coaches, fans and even teammates with her stellar play. One coach wrote this ” tiny there is no way Masonius is in 8th grade” well coach she is in 8th grade and we have not seen anything yet…because I believe she is getting better. It was a nice showing for the Exodus crew and sets them off running towards July.



Another team that went undefeated this weekend was the REBELS 2021 who are coach by Tom Brennan and John Truhan. The team make up of freshman studs went 4-0 and are just stacked so there is no surprise here.


This crew headed by the two Christina’s as in  DiCindio and Antonakakis went 4-1 this weekend and the lone lost was in overtime. They no question are now ready to more into July with a nice buzz as they are well organized and super talented…right gym rat MOLLY WEISS?


They went 2-1 and caught an awful break as only one team in the age bracket advanced. They lost by 6 points, but the team many are saying is the best freshman crew around has to be happy playing in a tough bracket at Boo Williams. July is setting up very nicely for this talented crew of players.




Now this was a real surprise this weekend as they went 4-1 and showed there is another Shore Shot team making some noise. This team is quietly becoming a nice group and if they can stick together some good things are sure to happen.



They went 3-2 but Chekasha Andrews averaged 19 point a game for the weekend. But let this marinate this crew has the River Twins (blog this week on them) and Bianca Nicolini. They could make some real noise in July.


Jersey Shore Elite ’17

Beth Chambers crew went 2-2 in North Carolina and like all Chambers teams faced top competition preparing them for July. Like all her teams they will be a force come July and they are loaded. Kelly Crouch, just could be the best available PG left in the shore and Gigi Caponergo is if you can believe this is being under recruited.


unnamed[2] Crawford Twins went 10-11 shooting against Smack

They had a surprise showing, going 3-1 and  undefeated in Pool play. this team is going to get better before July. Hyduke, Moore and the Crawford Twins are some of the best babies in the state. This was an excellent start for this growing group.


They went 3-2 playing in the Joe Smith bracket at Boo Williams and must be feeling pretty good this morning, when you consider the competition they were up against. This group is going to be fun to watch come July.


Took on the challenge of playing in the highest bracket at Boo Williams. They went 1-2 and got a real taste of top competition. Rose Caverly had a strong showing and no question continues to improve.



The weekend turned out to a a success for a number of kids. Most teams went to either Spooky Nook, Boo Williams or North Carolina. It was clear most coaches were at one or more of these sites. While coaches can’t control who there play, most teams faced good competition in at least 2 games.

The April period is great because it sets up kids for July when coaches can take a longer look at kids. It also allows coaches to start the recruiting process with kids they may see for the first time. While April is important in the grand scheme of things, it just a blip on the total recruiting process…

Nothing breaks my heart more than when a coach tells me a kid is not developing. I can’t urge kids enough to please get out of your comfort zone. Its important that you train with older, more talented kids outside of your AAU setting. Recognize your weakness and address them….good luck to all! 












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  So excited for the next chapter!!! 🖤🏀💛 @UMBCwbb @CoachTinyGreen @scgirlshoops @gritbasketball1 @LouisPaolillo1 @Tomcjhawks @coachschoiceusa @nlowe11 @gmchoops @EBHSGirlsBBall pic.twitter.com/r9oCs4Oub2 — Brianna Sliwinski (@brisliwinski_) August 9, 2019 There are those who