There is a opportunity for kids to get information, have fun and improve this entire weekend. There is a opportunity for those who really enjoy playing basketball. The because the two events that will take place are taylor made for kids. On Friday is the Black Friday HOOPFEST and Sunday is the Grammar School Combine.
This Weekend is going to be a chance for kids to enjoy a weekend of basketball. A chance for kids to have fun, compete and get better. It’s a weekend for advanced players and those who just love the game to have some fun. This weekend kids can be just that, KIDS😀. The Weekend will start with the HOOPFEST on Friday. This event is one of the most popular in the fall. The HOOPFEST is for kids of all levels. The event gives kids a chance to work on their skill sets and have fun doing so. There are contest, games and prizes though-out the day. From beginners to highly advanced players everyone benefits from this fun time. Parents can go shopping and kids and go play basketball. It’s a win, win for all on BLACK FRIDAY. It certainly beats kids siting around after eating, traveling and watching TV on Thanksgiving 😀

Things get a little more serious on Sunday. That’s because the Middle School Combine will take place. This is a real opportunity for kids. It’s a chance for kids to get a real evaluation of their talents. On Sunday kids are going to have there skills measured. They are going to get real feedback on where there game stands. There athletic ability will be measured. How high they jump, how quick they are, how strong there are. It’s going to be a chance for kids to get real measurable facts about their games. Sunday a young lady will get truth. They will leave Sunday knowing exactly what there strengths and weakness are. They will be told what parts of their game needs work. In other words kids this weekend are going to be given the tools and information to become better players. If a kids wants to know what they need to do, in order to get their game to another level… The COMBINE IS THE PLACE TO BE. There will be no hype and ratings. They won’t be media folks breathing down a kids back. There are no All Star game or players being treated special. Everyone will be treated the same. With respect and hopes of giving each player the tools and honest information they need to be better players💪🏀

There is a great weekend of basketball and opportunity staring kids in the eyes this weekend. I hope every kid takes advantage of it. After all it’s a chance to have fun, gain some insight and get better. So please take advantage 💪🏀