This evening one of the biggest, best and longest rivalry’s will continue  tonight. St. Rose has long been a difficult job for anyone sitting in the head coaches seat. But Chrissy Hatfield has proved that she just may be the right person to manage all the drama that comes with being the coach at a school with such high expectations.  Lisa Kukoda has taken Manasquan from the ashes of disarray to one of the most successful programs in Shore history. This rivalry has seen many of the best players in Shore Conference history we have ever seen. Tonight another player may join those list of superstars. JADA LYNCH just may be moving into that conversation of  that small list of greats. That’s because she has

A year ago Jada Lynch was young and immature. She was stat driven at times and did not always elevate her teammates. Her coaches handled her with kid gloves  and at times did not appear to hold her to the standard the great players need to get to the next level. But that was last year. That is old news. These days Jada Lynch is not just elevating her teammates but her coach Chrissy Hatfield is holding her accountable and she is embracing it. Coach Hatfield is Forcing her to be the best version of herself. Forcing her to play the game at a different level.  It seems Jada Lynch loves this new accountability. It seems she is responding in a major way. It’s seems Jada Lynch is living up to expectations and doing it in a big way.

Too often kids come into high school with big reputations. Too often it’s hype over game. Jada Lynch is not just living up to the hype this year she is exceeding the hype. No longer concerned with hype and stats. Jada lynch is concerned with performance. Her stats are not as impressive as last year. But her game has evolved and she has elevated her game. These days Jada Lynch is acting like one of the best passers not in the shore but the state. She has also turned herself into a true lockdown defender. She has sacrificed her game more for her team… THAN ANY PLAYER IN THE SHORE. She plays all 5 positions on both sides of the ball. No other player in the state is being asked to do this. She has turned herself into an excellent three point shooter. She plays with energy and gives it all up for her team and coaches. In other words Jada Lynch just may be the most improved player in the shore.

Jada Lynch (21) of St. Rose dribbles againse Azanah Campbell (15) of Paul VI during the Coaches Choice Showcase girls basketball game between No.2 Paul VI and No. 11 St. Rose at Holmdel High School in Holmdel, NJ on Sunday, February 5, 2023.

St. Rose has been hit by devastating injuries this year. Yet they were in the state Top 20 a week ago. They nearly knocked off the #7 team in the country. The biggest reason has been Jada Lynch. The Jada Lynch who is doing all the things to elevate her teammates. The Jada Lynch who just seems to come up with every big shot and rebound. The Jada Lynch who is doing all the intangibles.  The Jada Lynch setting  killer screens, making the extra pass and rebounding against 2-3 players by herself in traffic.  The Jada Lynch who puts her arms around teammates when they make a mistake.  Jada Lynch is now a leader, a real leader by example and performance. 

I have been watching Shore basketball for a long time. I have rarely seen a kid grow up so quickly. I have never seen a kid mature and develop so much as a person in such a short time. It’s a joy when you see a kid take there game to the next level. But it’s even more enjoyable to see a player with so much talent go to the next level. Recently I was sitting with a college coach. She said “ Jada Lynch has such a great body”. I said true but her game is great now. Her game has caught up with her body. But more importantly her desire to be great has caught up with both!

Jada Lynch (21) of St. Rose reacts after knocking down a three pointer in the second quarter during the Coaches Choice Showcase girls basketball game between No.2 Paul VI and No. 11 St. Rose at Holmdel High School in Holmdel, NJ on Sunday, February 5, 2023.

Chrissy Hatfield, has given Jada Lynch something she didn’t know she needed… TRUST!  She gave Jada  the keys to the car at St. Rose but she made her earn it. Jada Lynch has in turn rewarded Coach Hatfield for her trust. It’s the only way to explain how St. Rose can lose two starters and yet be a real threat to win the SCT. That’s because Jada Lynch believes this and believes in her teammates. You only feel that way when you make every sacrifice a talented player can make. Jada Lynch knows she is one of the best players in the Shore. A player that in my opinion is starting to look like, not only one of the best players in the Shore or the state … but the ENTIRE COUNTRY!

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