These players either have Division One offers on the table or a college coach has brought their name up in conversations on multiple occasions, key word, multiple . The term lock means a player has D1 offers on the table and is 100% will play at the D1 one level. There are 8 players on this list who have I attached the term “LOCK” to their name even tho they do have a offer. These are players I have seen against elite D1 competition and I have no doubt they will play D1 basketball. Certainly not everyone on this list will play D1 for a number of reasons. Ranging from academics issues to failure to develop. The freshman are a hard call unless I see them regularly. Many times good Freshman hide from competition in order to protect the hype they have received. I always pay close attention to where freshman train and who they play against.. it’s a dead give away everytime. Finally I don’t listen to people telling me a kid has a offer, too often they are not being truthful. So unless I hear it from D1 coach to my ears, I do not use the lock team.
They are 36 D1 locks on this year’s list. Remember this group has a LARGE NUMBER OF D1 players NOT on the list. Anna Morris, Olivia Child’s and others are certainly D1 players. I simply have rarely, if ever have seen then. This is by NO MEANS the Bible of D1 players….this is a EARLY BIRD D1 list of kids I have seen…no more less! Many players will fall off this list at some point and many will be added… This is basically a list of potential D1 players. There are no promises that they will reach that level. But it’s certainly better to start out on this list as a possible D1 player. Because last year I got every D1 right except one Kristina Donza of Jackson Memorial. 5 projected D1 players did not get a D1 offer and Paige Salven turned down multiple offers to play D2…
When you start projecting D1 players the big thing is you must start tracking them young. You have to understand there work ethic, attitude, what type of competition they face and there competitive nature. These are the tools I use when projecting and the reasons that I am rarely wrong, when assigning the lock term on a player. The players without the lock term have work to do…Lets hope they get to work!

2021 Projected D1 Players
Destiny Adams- 2021- Manchester High School (North Carolina)
Sophia Sabino-2021- RBC High School ( Fordham U)
Katie Hill-2021- St. John Vianney High School (U of Richmond)
Abby Antognoli -2021- St. Rose High School (Lafayette)
Grace Munt- 2021- Rumson (lock)
Nia Melvin- 2021- Stuart Day High School (lock)
Saniah Caldwell- Saddle Day River High School (lock)
Christina Whitehead-2021- St. John Vianney High School (lock)
Christina Dalce -2021 Rutgers Prep High School (lock)
Shelby Barksdale- Mater Dei High School
Allie McGuinn-2021- Staten Island Acad (lock)
Caleigh Walsh- 2021- 6’3″ Gill St Bernard High School (lock)
Lashae Dwyer-2021- Hamilton Heights, Tenn (lock)
Erin Martin-2020-6’2″-,Morris Beard High School, just for the record I believe she is a point forward (lock)
Antonia Panayides-2021-Red Bank Catholic High School (lock)
Maureen Stapleton-2021- St. Rose High School
Zanai Jones-2020- Hudson Catholic High School (lock)
Jess Riepe- 2021- Marlboro High school(lock)
Shanice Simpson- 2021 -The Patrick School
Jasmine Boyd- 2021- Trenton Catholic High School (lock)
Ella Fajardo-2021- Gil Bernard High School (lock)
Ryann Taylor- 2021- Holmdel High School
Ariel Jenkins- Stuart Day High School (lock)
Sammy Jay- Marlboro High School
Aleah James- Stuart Day High School
Jordyn Keating- Donovan Catholic High School
Lexi Linton- Rancocas Valley High School (lock)
Colleen McQuillen- Cresskill high school (lock)
Oliva Olemczuk- Morris Beard high school
Alex Therien- Cherokee high School (lock)
Emma Bruen- St. John Vianney High School
Grace Leary- Howell High School High School
Sophia Memon- Middletown North High School

2022 Projected D1 Players
ASHLEY O’CONNOR-2022-St. John Vianney High School (lock)
Justine Pissott-2022- Red Bank Catholic High School (lock)
Madison S. St Rose-2022- St. John Vianney (lock)
Mary Donnelly- 2022-Manasquan High School (lock)
Kiley Capstraw- 2022-West Orange High School (lock)
Ally Carman-2022- Red Bank Catholic High School (lock)
Sophia Davis- 2022-Blair Academy High School
Amaya Evans- 2022-Neptune (lock)
Georgia Heine-2022- Manasquan High School (lock)
Christina Medgette- 2022-Franklin High School
Brooke Hollawell-2022- Manasquan High School
Dorothy Loffredo-2022-Manasquan High School
Deanna Occhipinti- Saddle Brook High School
Faith Pappas-2022- West Morris High School (lock)
Ahjanae Young-2022- Neptune High School (lock)
Megan Cahalan-2022-St. John Vianney High School (lock)
Amay Bray- Manchester High School
Kayla Beckford- Hudson Catholic High School (lock)
Abby Ferguson- Holmdel High School (lock)
Madison Schiller- Ramapo High School
Dani Schlesinger- Marlboro High School
Zoe Brooks- Trenton Catholic High School (lock)
Angelica Velez- Manchester High School (lock)
Aaylah Del Rosario- Trenton Catholic High School (lock)
Gabbie Ross- Manchester High School (lock)
Tyonna Bailey- Morris Catholic High School (lock)
Jamie Bachmann- St. John Vianney
Megan Gentile- Hudson Catholic High School
Avery Kessler- Cherokee High School (lock)
Mikaela Hubbard- St. John Vianney (lock)
Gabby Recinto- Cherokee High School( lock)
Nia Scott- Shawnee High School (lock)
Sarah Hughes- Ranney High School
Brianna Delaney – St. John Vianney High School
Emma Carman- Red Bank Catholic High School(lock)
Nicole Melious- Susan Wagner High School, NY ( Purdue University)
Taryn Barbot- St Mary’s High School, NY (lock)
Taylor Barbot- St. Mary High School, NY (lock)
Ryln Orlando- Manasquan High School
Dyan Cahill- Rumson Fair Haven High School
Julia Shanes- Rumson Fair Haven High School
Erica Disimone- Marlboro High School
Casey Prior- Red Bank Catholic High School (lock)
Rylee Drahos- Shore Reg High School (lock)
Julia Corsentino- Rumson Fair Haven High School
Jula Grodzicki- Toms River North High School (lock)
Maggie Cavanaugh- St. Rose High School
Hannah Hidalgo- Paul VI High School (lock)
Molly Kelly- Rumson Fair Haven High School
Morgan Lee- Kent School, Conn

***Coaches I will get out a full cheat sheet with player details and breakdown hopefully in the next week***