We are almost at the starting line. There are some realities right now. Things that are not based on hype and manufactured truths. You see folks love to push a narrative when it comes to there so called kids. So today I’m going to hit you with truth.

It’s the truth, that many kids spend to much time doing drills vs doing competitive drills. There trainers get a group of kids doing the same drills regardless of their skill level or needs. If you’re great talent it’s a great way to sweat. Does it make a kid better? NOPE. If your a kid whose game is still developing, then your on your way to being a drill master. You will never develop a competitive nature just doing drills. YOUR DRILLED OUT

The fact of the matter is, I have never seen so many kids worried about recruiting more than their develop. You literally have kids visiting college campuses, every weekend these days. In many cases FRESHMAN… yes I said freshman. Then you have kids visiting schools with soft offers and don’t realize there soft offers. Worst and this is not truth but a fact of facts. It’s been reflected in there performance regardless of the excuses there trainers, parents and friends make.

AAU there is never facts, just folks working in the shadows. You have coaches not coming clean to kids where there stand. You got kids planning there escape and not telling there current AAU coach. You have tryouts in the fall this only effects the 2nd tier kids because the 1st Tier kids know they have a spot. But the biggest truth of all is this. Parents lying to themselves and trying to save face. Parents know when a team does not have room especially in the EYBL world. This is when a kid has to make a decision. Let the world know you didn’t make the team and move on or pretend they plan to train only to get ready for college. The truth is every parent knows if a team has room for their kid. It’s the ego that’s the issue. The same ego that 99% of the time destroys a kids talent and potential

See there are tons of talent in the Shore Conference. Some kids get crowned and some really talented kids do not. Often folks base things on the past and what they project in the future. But here is the truth of the matter. Since August I have seen every top player and team in the Shore play. There is zero doubt in my mind about three things. In other words I’m kicking truth not bullshit. First Madison Kocis is the best player in the Shore these days and in my this is not even a debate ..2. CHRISTINA LIGGIO will 100% be there most prepared player in ALL OF NJ entering college next year. Strong words but it will be a fact.. 3. RBC and SJV will not be challenged in the Shore all year except when they play each other.

Now I’m worried about the 2029 and 2030 classes. Not about there work ethic and talent. Because these two classes are monster classes. In fact one player may be the best young player we have seen in years. I’m worried that this group is being guided by the wrong people. I’m worried that some are making bad moves. I’m really worried some are not developing. Remember 3 years ago and I projected the 2026 class could challenge the record of 23 D1 players. Well look what happened. Bad AAU decisions, lack of competitive training and questionable parents. The result, is right now I’m projecting 15 D1 players in the class and the truth is that will take some doing to get there.

Now you want truth? Ashley KREIGER Is the most skilled big in the Shore and there is zero debate. That’s because she is the most skilled forward these eyes has ever seen in all my years. See that is called truth. People just don’t want to hear it.

I believe Antonia Jackson, GIANNA Sano and Tatum Sharpe make SJV a much deeper and better team than a year ago. You may say they lost Matus and Karpell. How can they be better? Easy, Stellar Lockhart has been in the system for a year now. Taylor Solfakanich is now dominating. Finally they have the current POY leading candidate in Madison Kocis. Add it all up and you get the Shore pre-season favorite. This may not be a fact but it’s truthful.

The truth of the matter is RBR has more upside than any team in the Shore. But other truth is there guards have had 3 years to learn how to handle full court pressure and feed the post. Now 3’s are good but turnovers and lack of paint touches are the kiss of death. If they fix these problems. RBR could be top 4 in the Shore.

Since this is about truth. I will be shocked if Ari Wissen of Brick is not freshman of the year. She is going to get massive minutes and score lots of points. Now of course whenever you have a freshman talent like this., the upperclassman either embrace them or fight them.

I can’t imagine anyone has made the jump the Grace FEENEY has this fall. Now of course she doesn’t have the hype or the profile others do. But go look what she has done this fall. The truth of the matter is If I picked a ALL SHORE team right now she’d be on it.

So who is the best guard defender in the Shore. Well the truth is that’s kind of easily for me. Kayden Clark of Manasquan and BROOKE JAENICKE of RFH are in a dead heat.

The strangest team this fall by far was St. Rose. They did everything as a group starting in August. They shot, ran and played against each other and played in the Fort League. Then did the same in the fall. In the Hoop Group League they basically played 61/2 . This is going to be a great plan or it may backfire. Either way it’s been a different approach

Finally parents love to think there kids are working hard. The trainers lie to the kids about there progress and the kids drink the Kool Aid. The fact of the matter is often the kids are inconsistent in getting in the gym. Then don’t take into account the competition level and think a legit excuse makes everything okay. These kids never reach their full potential and often join with like minded other kids to form a pity club and complain about everything. As if it will change anything. The truth of the mattter is, this is why you recruit the Mackenzie Teevan’s Olivia Shaughnessy’s and Shannon HEINE type kids
THURSDAY AND FRIDAY… at HOOP GROUP(sign up online of at the door)
