The beauty of this time of year is all the new gems you discover. Some old and some new. Like that kid who has taken their game to another level. That kid who has grew a few inches or maybe got physically stronger. The fun part is when you know and nobody else has discovered that new gem. You get to walk around with that big secret. It’s like knowing the lottery numbers and your getting ready to collect. But when you find that rare gem gem that’s sitting in the open for all to see and they miss it… that’s when things get fun. Yesterday things got to be real fun in Little Silver New Jersey, where a unknown star showed up and put on a showtime performance in the ShoreShots Outdoor Showcase. Tara Daye of the NJ Demons and University High School, electrified everyone on hand including her opponents.

Yesterday there were many current and future D1 players playing in an event loaded with talent. There were players committed to D1 schools and players with D1 offers. These are players with P5 offers, A-10, offers and offers from every level of play. Nobody could question the competition in Little Sliver yesterday. Just like nobody could question who the best player in the park was yesterday. TARA DAYE, was clearly the best player wearing a pair sneakers in the park. She was the player that all eyes were upon. She was the player that made you stick around till the final whistle in the 95 degree heat. You know there are not many players that can hold a crowd like that. Tara Daye is one of them.

Watching Tara Daye dance thru traffic and score baskets at the rim was like watching a rare magic act. No matter how opponents tired to adjust, Tara Daye would come up with something more imaginative. When she did miss a shot, she would rise about the crowd like a majestic eagle and soar above the everyone for a rebound. When in transition defenders had this wild look of fear in their eyes, as if they were about to face the executioner. They were right because Tara Daye showed no mercy yesterday. She was on a mission and delivered a message. She may not have the hype of some many others but she has the game.
They say game knows game. Clearly that was the case yesterday because after the ShoreShots lost their 2 game in three years to a New Jersey team. One of the most recruited point guards in all of New Jersey walked up to me and said. “Tiny did you see that girl? Pointing to Tara Daye. Sophia Sabino will be attending Fordham University in two years. But she couldn’t stop talking about Tara Daye. She said Fordham called her and in her words “WE HAVE TO GET HER”. I said what do you know about her? Sabino said “nobody has offered her yet, that’s crazy” I said that makes no sense. I thought maybe nobody knew who she was. Then somebody texted me and said “everyone knows her, she was All State” my response was “then their are a whole lot of people who don’t know shit about about basketball, because this kid is one of the best players I have seen this summer. Her being All State is clearly no mistake.
Now I am not big on crowning a kid after watching somebody play one weekend. I know anyone can hide a lot of sores on a weekend. The true test is when you see a kid multiple times against top competition over an extended period of time. But I would bet the house Tara Daye is the real deal. I would bet the house, she is at worst a MM** level player and that’s if she breaks a leg and one arm. But I what I’m 100% sure of is this… she is the most under recruited player in the state of NJ by a mile. How do I know this? Because I see them all and right now, she is in any conversation when it comes to who the top guards in New Jersey are. This is a kid with a winning attitude, a smile and a presence that can light up a room. This time of year, we can all use a little of that and TARA DAYE PROVIDED SO MUCH OF THAT THIS WEEKEND…. college coaches this is that rare gem and she’s yours for the taking…. good luck! BECAUSE THIS IS A MEGA STAR WITH A MEGA GAME!