Recruiting came be painful and joyful at the same time. In most cases it starts out fun and exciting. The attention being received by the player. The excitement of the coaching staff recruiting the player ll the possibilities. It all fun and games until it becomes decision time. That’s when things get serious and where dreams either live or die. But in some cases it just comes down to what is best for a kid. In the case of Savannah Seawell, she has seen the recruiting process up close and personal. She also made a decision that many kid would not make today. Because of this SAVANNAH SEAWELL has made EMORY UNIVERSITY THE LUCKIEST SCHOOL IN GEORGIA TODAY.

Savannah Seawell, has a work ethic from the heavens. She has no problem driving 1 hr and 45 mins to the Hoop Group in Neptune in the summer, 5 days a week. She has no problem doing the same thing in the fall. You see, she is a kid who is highly motivated. It’s why D1 schools in the Patriot League, Ivy League and a number of D1 schools recruited her. But Savannah, is also very smart, no really smart. She is a great student but more importantly has goals and knows what she wants out of basketball and her education. It’s why she told certain Ivy League schools ‘NO”… it why she told certain Patriot schools “NO”. it why she told some excellent basketball programs “NO THANK YOU”. You see in a time where kids live for hype and status. Where in a time parents need to keep up with the Jones. Savannah Seawell and her family were only concerned with what was the right thing for their daughter. Misha Jackson, the head Coach at Emory University, was busy trying to paint the picture for what is the biggest recruit in her programs history. She needed to shrew, smart and patience. She was all those things and because of that Misa Jackson took a number of D1 schools to the recruiting clearers. She put on a clinic as how to steal a big fish!

Savannah Seawell, is one of the hardest workers I know. Her work ethic is staggering at times. She runs the floor like a deer, she is physical and relentless. She will do the dirt work or any kid of work. That’s because she likes to work, she has always embraced out working everyone. It why she plays so hard. It’s what why so many coaches fell in love with her game. It’s why she seemed to improve every time she walks in the gym. She can dunk a tennis ball. She can run for what seems like for days. Her mental toughness and willingness to always try to do more is really a gift. I guess that is why, she is such a great student. It’s why she had choices and did not have to settle when it came to choosing a college. And one thing was clear, Savannah Seawell, was not going to let her ego get in the way of where she decided to attend college. The only person, she was trying to impress was herself. Folks we call that confidence, or better yet a ALPHA FEMALE. Savannah Seawell is off to Emory University because she knows it’s the best place for her educational and basketball wise…NO OTHER REASON!

See recruiting is about pressure, Misa Jackson put the heat on Savannah Seawell. She gave her mutiple deadlines. But Savannah Seawell was on her own time table. Misa Jackson could have walked away and said , Savannah does love Emory. But she didn’t , she had invested to much time. What she did was cover all her bases. She called everyone and anyone connected to Savannah Seawell, hell she even called the D1 schools recruiting Savannah Seawell. Misa Jackson was on a mission. She collected information and she never gave up in this process. That’s because even college coaches have to believe in themselves.

When a talented player doesn’t commitment these days the sharks start lining up. That’s what happen to Savannah Seawell. Patriot Schools, NEC, American East schools starting asking and offering goodies. They tired to get Savannah Seawell to compromise. Maybe rethink things, maybe take a step back on the educational side. You see $400,000 thousand dollars is not easy to walk away form. But neither is a chance to get a great education, and play in one of the 3 best academic conferences in American. Neither is a chance to maybe win a national championship or play for the coach who wanted you the most and never game up on recruiting you, when everyone told her she is wasting her time. You see now Savannah Seawell and Coach Jackson are tied to the hip forever both have been though a stressful long recruiting process. But in the end it’s been all joyful and painfully sweet for both.

David and Katie Seawell better write a book and write it quick. That because we need help these days in guiding our children. I have no idea how there have produced such a level headed daughter. One not caught up in nonsense, like clicks on social media . One who is not concerned with hype but rather substance. One who understands the value of respect and being a good teammate and friend. A kid who doesn’t believe i’s about them only. A kid so confident that could walk away from a free education to get the right education. A kid who works herself to the bone both in the classroom and on the court. A kid who doesn’t talk about these things but actually does these things. You see David and Katie know the recipe to the special sauce. They should give us the secret, because we need more kids like Savannah Seawell.

This recruiting journey, has been eye popping to me in so many ways. First the strength of the SEAWELL family , I can honestly say I have never seen in a recruiting process. The ability Savannah showed in processing everything goes to a maturity level way beyond her years. Jimmy O and the United organization should also take a bow. They protected Savannah and gave her an environment to be great. They surrounded her with like minded kids. You know kids who wanted to excel on the basketball court and in the classroom. United is proving to be the home of the REAL STUDENT ATHLETE. Savannah Seawell is proving to be the kid who does not bend or break, she is proving anything is possible both on and off the court

They just don’t make them like Savannah Seawell anyone. But then again, they don’t make schools like Emory anymore. The don’t make parents like the Seawell’s anymore. That’s because when you’re doing it like Savannah Seawell, you’re doing it right. You doing just a little better than everyone else. You doing because you value your future and oh yeah because you love being around the best of the best and that’s exactly where SAVANNAH SEAWELL IS RIGHT NOW…. CONGRATS TO EMORY AND TEAM SAVANNAH!