MANCHESTER- that debate was put to bed last nightST. ROSE– starting to look very dangerous
RUMSON– guess who is back? Grace Munt
RED BANK CATHOLIC- Shocking is the only wordRED BANK REG– JT is at it again folksMARLBORO– do you really want to see them in SCT? MANASQUAN– they need to right the ship quicklyJACKSON MEMORIAL-can they win 2 games in SCTLONG BRANCH– the surprise team of the year and Shannon Coyle another COY?TOMORROW MORNING 9AM AND 10.30 AMMONDAY …9AM-2PM
If there is one thing I’m sure about this year. One thing every college coach can write into stone. One thing that Shore fans are going to discover very quickly.
There are going to be a few broken hearts today. There will be kids today thinking there dreams have passed them by. Well I am here to deliver a message
It all starts when a kid starts dribbling a basketball. That’s the easy part. Basketball is just a game. A sport that brings kids, friends and families together. But when