MISS MILAN JONES…TALENT AND WORK ETHIC… the rarest of things💪🏀✔️

There are kids that slide under the radar. These days there very easy to spot weather by choice or not. There are many reasons why kids are under the radar. It could be there not talented enough, not a good student or simply their lazy. None of that is the case when it comes to Milan Brown. She checks those boxes and more. It’s also why soon the term under the radar will not apply to her.

The Raptors are lucky to have Milan Jones

Milan Jones does not play at a brand name basketball program in High school. Oak Knoll is known for being one of the best academic schools in the state not basketball. Milan Jones is a true student athlete. Milan does not play for a powerhouse AAU team. She plays for New Jersey Raptors where she is learning how to play the game the right way. You see Milan is like a lot of kids; in that her basketball environment is not perfect. It’s not built to bring attention to her game. She knows to grab the attention of college coaches. She may be asked to give something back on the education side. Leave her current AAU program that has developed her; when other ignored her talents. Well neither of those things are happening. That’s because Milan and her parents value education and loyalty. Milan Jones is willing to pay the price to get where she wants. She’s just not willing to sell out…BECAUSE SHE HAS TALENT and A WORK ETHIC, the two things rarest things of all💪

Milan Jones brings the complete package

Every Saturday and Sunday morning around 7am a long athletic looking figure walks though the door at NBS. She is there to shoot a hour before NBS starts. That’s after getting up at 6am to take the hour drive to NBS. Then at 9am Milan goes to work at NBS. You see these days too many kids who have a tough road to find there dreams, want it easy. Milan Jones just wants to put the work in. She doesn’t have time to duck the smoke or make excuses. She has business to take care of these days. She knows college coaches will not flock to her high school or AAU games. So she inhales the smoke at NBS. She takes on kids with D1 offers or who are committed to D1 schools. She delights in showing off her elite first step. She loves surprising them with her deadly mid range game, three ball or bully ball game. MILAN JONES is not just athletic, she is skilled up, NOT DRILLED UP. She is not a drill master but rather a game master. Her IQ is different than most. She see’s and reacts quickly to defenders and rotating players. Her quick leaping ability makes her a excellent next level rebounder. But it’s her lateral movement combined with her insanely long length that makes her special. She has the ability to guard just about anyone. MILAN JONES can get you on both sides of the ball.

Miss Jones had a monster freshman year

Last year as a freshman at Oak Knoll. MILAN had a sensational varsity season. She is well on her way to 1000th points. Her team surprised lots of folks by going 13-13 last season. But Milan knows the at Oak Knoll basketball will never be the priority…. education will and that’s the way she and her family want it. It would real easy to change schools and attend a basketball power. But Milan knows her talent is special. It’s why she works so hard. Her competive nature is always on display at NBS. When she is fouled, during one on one drills I see her frustration that we don’t allow foul calls. That’s because she gets fouled a lot because of her quickness. I see how hard she plays and with such passion. That’s because Milan Jones as just a sophomore knows her road into the recruiting light will be harder than most. She has already heard the whispers that she should find a new high school or AAU team. But Miss Jones has a little something most kids lack….BELIEF IN HERSELF AND TALENT ….A WHOLE LOT OF TALENT.

She is betting on herself

Kids show up all the time at NBS with no reputation and become stars. MILAN JONES doesn’t know very many people at NBS. She is out of her comfort zone. But like all the great ones. She doesn’t care. She believes she is as good as any kid in that gym. More importantly she proves it every weekend with her work ethic, talent , sacrifice and willingness to




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