See it’s never whether you get knocked down or not. It’s always can you get back up and fight. It’ can you overcome the disappointment and fear. Those are the real questions that must be answered. Lizzy Mitchell has answered these questions and she has passed the biggest test of her athletic life. When things are at their worst the great ones rise up and do the impossible. Like coming back from a ACL injury and moving on to college to continue her dream of playing college basketball. MISERICORDIA UNIVERSITY has no idea what they just did. They got one of the best players in the Shore Conference. A player that is going to make someone look very smart. Not only does Lizzy get back up, she gets up and bounces back with fire in the belly. MISERICORDIA picked up a game changer.

Three years ago Lizzy Mitchell was considered one of the best incoming Freshman in the Shore Conference. Then she backed it all up with a banner freshman season. She was a deadly three point shooter. Dropping as many as 7 three’s in a game. But she was more than a deadly shooter. Lizzy Mitchell, was one of the elite young defender in the Shore Conference. She was true two way player that could also slide to the point guard spot. Lizzy Mitchell, had it all and it appeared greatness was a certainty. But life has funny way of turning on you sometimes. So when Lizzy Mitchell tore her ACL, everyone was disappointed and in shock. The timing could not have been worst. Lizzy lost her entire summer recruiting period and then her entire junior year. For many this would have been a death march. But everyone is not Lizzy Mitchell and not everyone has her family and work ethic. You see it’s a little easier to get up off the ground when your surrounded with love and you have a work ethic from the heavens.

Now if you know Lizzy Mitchell, there was never a doubt that she would make it back to the court this season for one simple reason. Anyone who has every coached or trained her, know her work ethic is rare. She is someone that will give you everything form the start to the end of practice. They know she is bringing a attitude built for greatness. You know she is a sponge. You know the 2nd and 3rd effort will be there. It’s for these reasons alone coaches love coaching Lizzy Mitchell. You want to coach Lizzy Mitchell because she is the ultimate teammate and friend. Why do you think the out pouring of love for her was so intense when she got injured. Are you really surprised she was back in the gym a week after surgery? Are you surprised she found ways to work on her game? Are you surprised she attended St. Rose’s practices and games when she could play. She wanted to cheer. Se Lizzy is always trying ways to support her teammates and make a impact, even when injured. Well if you are surprised by any this, then you know nothing about Lizzy Mitchell. That’s because nothing can stop her, nothing can keep her down. She has put too much sweat, blood and tears into this. and Misercordia is about to receive a blessing from god. That’s because only god can give a kid this amount of strength and will power that Lizzy Mitchell has.

See when you go though hard times, the one thing you need is love. If you are not surrounded by love, you fighting a uphill battle. Chris and Erin Mitchell didn’t start showering Lizzy with love after she got hurt. They have always showered her with love. They have taught her to share the spotlight. To care about others and not just herself. When Lizzy, got hurt, they never doubted she would return better than ever. They never allowed Lizzy to question the end the game. The knew their daughter was special, they have seen Lizzy, go though the up and downs. From picking a high school and taking a chance on St. Rose. To playing with the Shoreshots to now playing for a new High School coach. Erin and Chris have been believed in the daughter every step of the way. They gave her the right inner circle. Then they allowed her to grow as a person and player. They knew this was a bump in the road. But they also knew they had prepared Lizzy for tough times. There was never a doubt that Lizzy would bounce back. Play in college, have a great season season and know she is loved….NEVER A DOUBT!~

Everyone loves Lizzy Mitchell, it’s impossible not to love her. She is someone that people know they can count on. She is that kid that seems to always find a way. She is the kid that overcomes the hard times and never complains and uses the woe is me excuse. MISERICORDIA has hit a home run. Not because they are about to get a 4 year starter. A future 1000 point scorer. Trust me these are givens , if you know anything about Lizzy Mitchell. What Misericordia is about to discover, is they have a rock star person, just ask her brother Christopher who has been a rock in her lift…. Lizzywho just happens to be a ROCK STAR PLAYER…..CONGRATS TO LIZZY MITCHELL!