Here we are today, right back to talking about LOVE, as in this case we are talking about Manasquan senior Grace Love that is. That’s because yesterday GRACE LOVE was rewarded for fighting the good fight.
She gave STEVENS TECH a verbal commitment.

It seems Grace Love is having a dream start to her senior year. First she had an outstanding AAU season this summer. Now she gets to attend one of the best schools in the country in one of the coolest towns Hoboken. Stevens Tech has been a program knocking on the door to greatest They have been close to turning the corner. Now they hope one of the most improved players in the Shore Conference will get them a little closer. That’s because it seems each day Grace Love gets a little better, a little more focused and a little more determined.

Stevens Tech, will now reap the benefits of years of hard work. It was Mark Donnelly that helped Grace, fall in love with the game and start this journey, as her very first coach. We never forget our first coach, because it’s they that give kids the wings to fly and that’s exactly what Grace Love has done. Fly into the arms of one of the best schools in the country and a basketball team on the rise. This journey has been full of tears, sweat, blood, disappointments and joy. Years of tears and disappointments have been wiped away in one moment. Years of waiting for an opportunity. But yet always preparing. That’s exactly what Grace Love has been doing. It taken an army of supporters for this day to arrive. AAU organizations like the NJ RISE. Coaches like Ellen Masanious, Bob Green, Cindy and Joe Fagan. They set the table and fed the hunger. Trainers like James Young and Patti Mabrey donating their time and energy to help a young lady who in many ways was often forgotten, to stay hungry and to believe in herself. Then of course none of this happens without Randy Westrol and Lou Paoillo of t the CJ HAWKS, who allowed her to put all these lessons to good use. They gave her the stage every great performer needs and Grace Love gave them an awarding winning performance each night. And in this case STEVENS TECH IS THE BENEFICIARY.

Parents these days can often live though their kids . Pressure their kids. Make life difficult and stressful for their kids. Then again there are parents who support their kids. Who wipe away the tears and the pain along the way, while encouraging their kids to stay the course and to continue the journey, when the road gets bumpy. You see that’s what Grace Love’s parents, Brian and Elizabeth did and they gave their daughter something else, a little thing called motivation without drama or stepping over bodies along the way. I have quietly watched them from a distance all these years. I always pay attention when parents are not watching. I want to know how they act towards other parents, coaches, trainers, other kids success, yes even their own daughters success and failure. See, I gotta know these things, so that I am knowledgeable. And you what I discovered, is this? There is something so right about the Love family. They truly believe there is enough light to go around for everyone shine. They just understand each kids journey is different and they realize the time table for each to shine is different. Brian and Elizabeth had their own plan for their daughter. It was called be happy and that’s exactly why we are watching a kids dream come true today. Grace’s little sister Giuliana has a role model and road map, regardless of what she does in the future. That’s because her big sister has shown her that working hard and fighting the good fight is the secret. Grace Love’s parents never lost track of what matters, happiness, education and a good experience. It looks like GRACE LOVE has found all that and more along the way.
More parents would be wise to learn from Brian and Elizabeth LOVE. Because they now have given parents a road map into the future.

There is no reason to believe that Grace Love is not going to have a senior year that most kids dream about. Let’s face it, she has checked every box in the last 8 months, no strike that, in the last 4 years. She has checked them as a friend, a teammate, classmate, a sister, a daughter, a student and as a player . She is the official poster child for don’t worry be happy and right now … STEVENS TECH IS VERY HAPPY!