This is the time of year seniors start packing up there dreams. It’s that time of year some kids now just hope to find a good school. This is the time of year that often finds seniors paying for there Indiscretions over the years. But there are always those players who refuse to surrender there dreams. There are always players who find there way back to the light. ERICA DISIMONE OF MARLBORO HIGH SCHOOL has not just found her way back to light. These days she’s showing us what we expected 3 years ago. She can be the light.

Three years ago Erica Disimone was named FIRST TEAM ALL FRESHMAN. That honor almost Guarantees a player most likely will be a Division One player. But the 2023 class has had a rough go at it. Covid 19 hit hard and the 2023 class was not stacked with gym rats and so called committed players. ERICA DISIMONE fell into that circle of nice kids but at times not focused or in the gym enough. But term birds of feather flock together really didn’t apply to Erica Disimone. That’s because she was different than many of her classmates. She was blessed with real talent. A true physical and mental toughness to lean on. The things that can bring a lost player to the light.

When Marlboro beat state #3 Saddle River day lead by Paulina Paris (UNC) and everyones darling recruit these days, Julianna Almeida. Everyone was shocked except those who know Erica Disimone. She had 29 points and Saddle River day had zero answers for the sophomore guard. You see Erica Disimone is lighting quick, she strong and plays low to the ground. On defense she is a ball hawk and can apply pressure baseline to baseline. She also is the 50/50 ball QUEEN of the Shore Conference. In fact Erica Disimone 2 years ago was looking like a bonafide star. A player that was a game changer. A player that made teammates better, a player with a insane appetite for competition with a true next level competitive nature. It seems Erica had all the tools needed to be one of the most recruited guards in the 2023…. and that still just may be the case with a little luck.

I lost track of Erica Disimone last year. She seemed to be in that mode of others in the 2023 class. She didn’t seem to train much and seemed to play against lesser competition. I watched her play AAU this summer and while she had some big moments. The college coaches didn’t bang down her door. I assumed in August, Erica would do what others whose dreams were slipping away as well. I thought she play summer ball with her high school team. Maybe train a little here and there. Play a little pick up and keep it low key. Then tell everyone she wants to play in college, yet do very little to show that. I figured August would be her time as many seniors do … to start the settling process, start making the ”basketball is not everything” statement. You know, start saying things like ”I want to enjoy college”. They often get a job and focus on making a few dollars. There priorities change and so do there dreams I figured Erica would join this crowd. Be part of that group of kids who see and think alike… that group that knows what’s coming and simply waiting to the truth to hit home… WELL I WAS WRONG… DEAD WRONG when it came to ERICA DISIMONE!

I have been doing this basketball thing for a long time. Nothing and I mean NOTHING has shocked me more than what ERICA DISIMONE has done the last month. It’s no secret most kids slow it down in August. But the best players, they turn it up. It’s truly what separates them. It always has and always will be. But Erica Disimone has taken things to a insane level. She simply will not leave the gym. Some days I shake my head in disbelief . She is crushing everything in a her way on both sides of the ball. Her jump shot has simply become magical in the last month. Erica Disimone is on a mission from “GOD” it appears. She making current and future D1 players look Incredibly ordinary. She is clearly proving there are levels to this and right now she is on a different level. These days ERICA DISIMONE is fulfilling her ALL FRESHMAN promise of greatness. There is only one question; is it too late?

I spoke to a D1 college asst coach yesterday. I told him I have never seen a kid turn the corner like Erica. I told him ” you must revisit her” I told him she is a classic case of a kid who lost there way. But has found her way back, all the way back. He said “I will check her out during the open gym period. Tell her, she needs to stay sharpe” I thought to myself ;no way this kid won’t be ready. She knows she slipped up and now she is desperate to make it right. Coaches from the bottom of my soul, I say this to you… ERICA DISIMONE HAS TO MATTER TO YOU. She is showing everyone by her actions not by talk… SHE IS READY TO MAKE HER DREAMS COME TRUE AND SHE IS GOING TO DO EXACTLY THAT; because she has too much game for you not to notice her. This is a player ready to do big big things. You are about to be SHOCKED COACHES… I know I am because