The list of players that have attended SJV and had to wait their turn to play, is a who’s who of great players. It’s part of the price one must pay to be part of one of the best programs in the country. SJV is a different animal and so is freshman ANTONIA JACKSON!

Hype is an interesting thing. That’s because we live in the era of  the hype game. The list of players that I often hear are so good and then I watch them play and say overrated is too long to list. We live in the era of posting offers on social media not for to share information but rather hoping it leads to validation. I watched ANTONIA JACKSON play once before this weekend, I can’t tell you where or when. That’s because she doesn’t train with me. She has her own inner circle and it must be a dam good one. Why do I say that? Because I may have not known her name but I remembered her game. I also knew she was a baller for one reason. When other parents start telling you a kid is “not that good “. It usually a sign their  kicking ass and that’s exactly what I watched ANTONIA JACKSON do this weekend… KICK A WHOLE LOT OF ASS!

I was excited to see MISS JACKSON this weekend at NBS. She plays for the NJ GEMZ, so she has seen real competition. But I did not know what to expect. Well it didn’t take long to figure out, that ANTONIA JACKSON may be just a freshman but she has a grown ass woman’s  game. I matched her up with a senior who is a stud in her own right. If you want to know if a kid can play. Why mess around, right? Well ANTONIA JACKSON proved she can play and went right to work with a magical display of bully ball, crafty rim finishing and her sweet jumper. She broke out a nasty no frills handle and basically sent a message to the entire gym, that she was no ordinary baby. She was another SJV future ROCK STAR!

I like confident players, not cocky players. I like players with a presence but not stand offish. I like players who are competitive but not selfish. I like players with a college ready body, but more importantly know  how to use it. I like players with an edge but who are coachable. You see ANTONIA JACKSON fits the bill. She checks all those boxes and more. It’s why today, I will be telling anyone that will listen. She is blessed, that’s because she is in the best program in the country for developing talent. She is playing for a Coach in Dawn Karpell that will demand nothing but her best. She will play the best high school schedule in New Jersey every year. In other words, she will have her talent squeezed everyday until she begs for mercy. But guess what? There is no doubt in my mind, she will love every minute. That’s because one day ANTONIA JACKSON will be one of the best player in the state of New Jersey.. folks this a fact not talk!

I get excited when a kid like ANTONIA JACKSON comes around. That’s because these types don’t come around often. College coaches better get excited as well, that because everyone will be recruiting MISS JACKSON. Now I have no idea how much time ANTONIA JACKSON will see this year. It’s really not that important. That’s because everyone knows at SJV there must be dues paid. There must be blood , sweat and tears donated to the program before anyone gets to wear the crown. My guess is that sometimes in the next 4 years..ANTONIA JACKSON will be the QUEEN OF SHORE BASKETBALL… and dem be the facts!

ANTONIA JACKSON, is the type of player that moves the needle. But here is a message to college coaches. This is a humble kid. A quiet kid. That type of kid, I believe will show up in time, be a sponge and get better year after year. ANTONIA JACKSON Is the type of kid that helps you win chips. Now you been told, you been given a head start in the recruiting process. Now the rest is up to you. Because there is no doubt in my mind this young lady will do her part… BANK ON IT!

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