Gabby Ross has been though it all. She has won big games and helped teams go from rags to riches. She has help built teams from the bottom to the top 20 in the state from out of nowhere. She also has been loyal to a fault at times. She also has had to wait for her opportunity at the next level to come along a little longer than anyone could have expected. She did all you could ask a player to do in high school. She has taken on the best at every level of high school and AAU and at times seemed too never get rewarded the way other star have been.  But the wait is now over, Gabbie Ross has committed to play  her college basketball career at DIVISION ONE, UMASS BOSTON.

Four years ago GABBY ROSS was considered on of the best freshman in New Jersey. Everyone predicted she would be a star. Many believed she would one day be a PLAYER OF THE YEAR CANDIDATE. All this  seemed to be on track after her freshman season. That’s because she and Angelica Velez were the best young backcourt in the state of New Jersey in years. The pair helped Manchester finally get over the hump and win a state title. Gabby Ross was named First Team ALL FRESHMAN. It seemed Gabby Ross had it all. Her game filled with every skill set a coach could dream about. She could score at all three levels, defend and rebound from the guard position like a forward. It was clear she was a very special player.

When Gabby Ross transferred to Donavan Catholic for her sophomore year. Many wondered what would be the impact on the  Donavan program. Donavan Catholic was going though changes and needed to reboot their program. Gabby Ross was the perfect player to help do this. In just her second year Gabby Ross helped Donavan Catholic do things the program has never done. Donavan Catholic was ranked in the Shore Top 4. They were ranked in the state Top 20. GABBY ROSS had a dream season. The team had a dream season winning  21 games. But for some strange reason Gabby Ross never got her due for such amazing feats. It was almost like people did not want to accept her greatness . Gabby Ross will go down as perhaps the greatness player in Donavan Catholic history. She certainly is the most impactful player in their recent history. There is no debating this and her faith in Coach Jansen and the school is something you see rarely these days in kids.  She has been a GAINT IN HER TIME AT DONAVAN🌈⭐️🏀

When the Donavan Catholic roster was wiped out due to graduation this year. Everyone assumed Gabby Ross would transfer. They assumed she run out on her teammates and coach. Nobody could really blame her for looking out for herself, isn’t that what all kids do today. But Gabby Ross did what few kids today are willing to do… STICK AROUND! She did so out of loyalty to Coach Jansen. She did so because she didn’t want to see what she help build fall totally apart. She never thought about herself and how it could affect her recruiting. So Gabby Ross stayed. She was a leader to an inexperienced team. She showed patience and class under fire and grace when things went bad at times. Yet nobody seemed to want to give her credit for her actions. Nobody wanted to say, that’s a kid doing things the right way. There is a kid who made true sacrifices. But none of that matters now because Gabby Ross is off to UMASS BOSTON.

GABBY ROSS Is an explosive scorer and a tenacious defender. She plays as hard as any kid in the state. She is a true warrior and ultra competitive. If there is one thing I am totally sure about it!s this… folks GABBY ROSS is going to Absolutely tear the Northeast Conference apart. Her quickness, speed and ability to dominate games is going to shock  teams in that league. The NEC has always been known for great guards. But this is a different animal. I have had a number of players go play in the NEC. They have won Freshman of the year award, made the All Freshman team, the All Conference  team and yes been Player of the Year. But folks I can tell you none of them brought the package GABBY ROSS  is bringing  to the table next year. UMASS BOSTON, just stole a high major player that is hungry and blessed with so much talent.

GABBY ROSS, has finally been rewarded. UMASS BOSTON has just pulled off a brinks job. GABBY ROSS is now finally collecting her reward for all her greatness… they say the best things are are worth waiting for and Gabby has waited long enough






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