WHITNEY HOBSON is grinding and that’s because she knows Trinity Hall needs a big year from her this season. She also knows that college coaches are slowly discovering she is a hidden gym. That’s why next week (September 10th)will be another opportunity for coaches to see why she is one of the best kept secrets in the Shore Conference.

Last year NINA EMNACE did it all for Trinity Hall. The Trinity Hall offense ran through her and she handled the ball 90% of the time. Meanwhile the players surrounding her took turns giving her the support she needed. The result was Trinity Hall was a Top 20 team and made to the Shore Conference Tournament semi finals. In the past 4 years Trinity has improved each year and have had some big wins and moments. But with Nina Emnace now doing her thing at Harvard. Trinity will need there season veterans to step up. Whitney Hobson hopes to be one of those who steps up. She has played a major role for Trinity since her freshman. The junior has been a model of consistency. She has done so many little things over the years, it’s impossible to put them all on paper. As a freshman she had over 100 points, 65 rebounds, 30 dimes and over 20 steals. Then last years improved on every stat line. Yet few have noticed her rock solid play. That’s because Whitney Hobson doesn’t do fancy, she just gets the job done and coaches are now discovering what Coach Matt McCarthy discovered long ago. Whitney Hobson is willing to do the hard things.

Whitney Hobson, has always challenged herself. It’s why she has always played the highest level of AAU. It’s why she attended Trinity Hall, she wanted to help Trinity beat the elite teams, not join them. It’s a different mindset than most kids. Just like her work ethic is different. Whitney Hobson is a gym rat of the highest level. Much like Nina Emnace, she is in the gym everyday. She is setting a standard of excellence for herself and her young Trinity Hall teammates the way Nina Emnace did before her. She too is a role model for those who have a work ethic and desire to chase greatness

This year, Whitney Hobson will be asked to do expand her game for Trinity. She will be asked to do much of the heavy lifting left behind by Nina . There is no question she will need to have the ball in her hands more and asked to provide more offense. Whitney knows this and it’s why she left the Shoreshots 2026 AAU team to join UNITED. It gave her a chance to play point guard more this summer. But besides that Whitney has been relentless in terms of improving her shooting. In a nut shell, she has become a deadly shooter to 22 feet. More importantly she has found a way it seems to get open over and over vs elite competition. This is good news for Trinity Hall who must replace 20+ points a night after losing the Shore POY in Nina Emnace . Whitney Hobson has been preparing for this new upgraded responsibility. In fact she is embracing it. That’s because as I said earlier Whitney Hobson loves a challenge.

Next week a number of college coaches will be coming to watch Whitney. They’ll be D1 schools from the Patriot League and high academic schools. That’s because she is an elite student. They’re going to see a young lady totally prepared. A player that is emerging in every area of her game. A player with a high IQ. A player that loves doing the hard things. Like defending or boxing out a bigger player, making the extra pass or getting to the foul line. The things that don’t bring hype or show up in a box score. But the things every college coach loves. Next week at TRINITY HALL’s open gym, coaches are going to see what hard works really looks like. They’re going to see a leader who has learned her lessons well and now ready to step into the spotlight… WHITNEY HOBSON IS READY FOR THE CHALLENGE!.


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