They say every kids journey is different. Some are often filled with challenges. Many require sacrifices that are often too much for some to make. In the world of recruiting it often comes down to exposure and yes talent to fulfill a dream. Some have real advantages and some do not. In the case of EMMA THORNTON, she has had to overcome more than maybe any player in recent times to get where she is today. She had to bet on herself and figure it all out on her own. There would be angel in the sky sending her road map to success. She was on her own and had to find her own road map. Despite her all her achievements, she had to fight for recognition and acceptance. Well her fight is officially over. That’s because EMMA THORNTON HAS GIVEN A VERBAL COMMITMENT TO EAST STROUDSBURG UNIVERSITY.

Division 2 schools in most cases do not give out full scholarships. But then again most D2 schools don’t usually get players who score over 2000 points and grab 1000 rebounds to commit to their schools. These players are usually reserved for D1 schools. Emma Thornton is that rare player that can dominate a game with her her hustle and tenacity. She seems to have unlimited energy. She never takes a play off and more importantly never gives up on any play. It’s why she is the best player in Ocean County. She also doesn’t have an ego. She is humble and quiet with a smile for the ages. So if you’re wondering how does ESU get a commitment from a player of Emma Thornton ability and status, it’s simple. Emma Thornton has never been praised or celebrated like other stars in the Shore. She has always had to take a back seat to others in the hype world. It why D1 basketball was never her first priority. Just going to a great school and getting a free education was the goal. When she told me she was going to commit, I asked her “don’t you want to play D1?” She said “yes” …So I said “why are you committing?” Her answer was perfect ”because I found a school I love” You see folks Emma Thornton gets it. She understands what matters most. She doesn’t need a label to justify her greatness. She choose a school not a name of a level. She didn’t pick a school for bragging rights. She just picked the right school. A lot of kids could learn from Emma Thornton. But then again, they aren’t exactly a lot of Emma Thornton’s walking around.

To say Emma Thornton has had to overcome more than most in recent times is the biggest understatement one can make. Barnegat high school is not a place college coaches visit. Ocean County is not a place that is known for developing basketball players. There really isn’t high level places to train. The competition is slim and none and slim left town long ago. The best players train outside the county and play AAU outside the county. The odds are stacked up against kids who dream of playing at the next level or getting a scholarship. Emma Thornton despite all these road blocks and more has risen above it all. Last year she knew she needed to do something quick if she hoped to get a free education. So she took the long rides to Hoop Group to shoot everyday, rather than shoot on her own. She attended NBS is to play against the best competition in New Jersey. Then she took the biggest step of all. She joined the ShoreShots AAU program.

When Emma Thornton joined the U16 CHAMBERS SHORESHOTS. She struggled in the beginning, she had never played that level of competition. She had to learn what a good shot was and how to defend against talented players. But Coach Chambers took her time with Emma and it paid off. That’s because she improved greatly. So much that this past AAU season Tracey Sabino put her on the HGSL U17 powerhouse Shoreshots. A team of all D1 players. A team that had some of the most highly recruited players in the state. This was a entire different level of play for Emma. Then to make things even tougher, she played in front of 100’s of college coaches just about in every game. Once again this was all new to Emma Thornton. To Emma’s credit she once again proved she belonged with the best of the best. All her hard work had paid off. She gained the respect of everyone including college coaches. In a lot of ways she just validated, what she already knew. She could play with the best of the best. She proved despite all the disadvantages she has had along the way only strengthen her. Made her more determined and focused. She proved to every kid who doesn’t have the spotlight or the hype, that you still can make your dreams comes true. You just have to believe in yourself. Emma Thornton believed in herself every step of the way. No many how hard the road got she found a way to make it home. That home is now EAST STROUDSBURG.

Emma Thornton, could have left Barnegat and searched for greener pastures. She could have thought about herself. She could have transferred to a powerhouse team. She could have searched for hype and awards. She could left and got lots of ink in the papers and love from bloggers. These are the things that so many kids live for today. But Emma Thornton refused to turn her back on her coach Tammy Nicolini who has done so much for her. The very person who helped her become a star. The person who gave her a chance to become one of the best players in the schools history. The person who will be most responsible when the hang her jersey up on the wall one day. When she breaks the schools all time scoring record. Tammy Nicolini has given her heart and soul to Emma Thornton. These are the reasons Emma Thornton did not run out her coach and teammates. She didn’t, because she is unselfish and her parents Jamie an Farrah are rock solid people. They are drama free parents. They support their daughter. But understand there are more things to life that basketball. They understand character and goodness matter also. If they haven’t done anything, they have raised the perfect daughter. She is a rock star teammate, friend, student and of course basketball player. They have been blessed. Anyone who has come in contact with Emma has been blessed. That’s because that smile screams gentleness and kindness.

Bob Dubina, is now the asst coach at ESU. It took him a while to make it back to the college basketball world. Like Emma he has had to beat the odds. When we were talking last week after Emma committed. He was excited because he knows what this means for ESU. We talked about about how so many kids after they commit lose their edge, take time off and relax. It’s an old story that plays out every year, I already am witnessing this now. We talked about how so many Ocean kids go to college and quit. Their just not prepared, it’s not there fault but rather the environment they come from. Emma Thornton will suffer none of this pitfalls. She’ll work even harder now that she has committed. She has found what she is looking for and created a winning recipe for all kids like herself to follow. It’s why I believe she will be freshman of the year in the PSA, one of the toughest D2 conferences in the country. A conference no D1 schools dare to play. I believe she could score 1000 points and grab 1000 rebounds. That’s because there’s not a chance in hell anyone will out work EMMA THORNTON. She has overcome every hurdle and EAST STROUDSBURG IS ABOUT TO FIND OUT WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW…GREATNESS IS ON THE WAY



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