This years 2024 freshman class is maybe the weakest in 20 years of Shore basketball. This years class has a lot of work to do. Hopefully that will not be the Case in next years. Next years years freshman is talented and deep. There are some players with big futures. Players with great potential. Potential is a tricky word because it means a player has a chance to be successful. But it also means a player has not maximized there talents. Christina Liggio will be in that 2025 class. She will be one of the best incoming players in that 2025 freshman class and she will certainly fulfill every drop of her potential… that’s because Christina Liggio shows up everyday. If the improvement curve of a player is the measuring stick of the future… THEN CHRISTINA LIGGIO BETTER GET A GOOD PAIR OF SUNGLASSES… because her future is very bright.

I often say the reason I am not wrong very often about a player’s future or projected level, is because I see them when they are young. You learn the intangibles about a player when they are young. You get answers to the tough questions, when nobody is watching. You discover their passion for the game, their work ethic, their attitude, their reaction to Criticism and of course their natural talent level. In the case of Christina Liggio she answers all over those above mentioned questions with flying colors. Because here is a fact of facts. No player in the 2024 class has had a bigger improvement curve than Christina Liggio. She has gone from just another young lady playing basketball with her friends and family to one of the best in the 2025 class. In the past year she has developed into a future star and yes a future D1 player. All this is taking place because she has mastered the hardest thing to do in sports… SHOW UP EVERYDAY and nobody in the 2025 class shows up like Christina Liggio does.

I tried to think of the last time I walked into a gym and Christina wasn’t there. I can honestly say the answer to that question is once. She had to take a placement test for high school. Her commitment to her game these days has no match. She spends no less than 4 hours a day, 6 days a week in the gym. When Covid hit, she and her younger twin sisters turned Virtual training into a art form. Christina Liggio has improved every area of her game. She has always been a good shooter. These days she is moving towards becoming the best shooter in the 2025 class. A year ago she was a below average ball handler. Today she is a one of the smartest ball handlers that will enter the shore next year. Her understanding of team defense has no match these days. What I like is that Christina has shown all these skill set against older Divisions one high school talent. She has proved she won’t crack vs REAL COMPETITION. She has shown that ability to carry her game to the next level. It’s why, wherever she attends high school, she will have a impact on day one.. because her improvement curve will not stop; because of her work ethic and talent.. . It will only get bigger and bigger and she will get more dangerous and more dangerous. Christina Liggio, has only just begun.

When players are young, they can be fragile. Say the wrong thing at the wrong time and you can crush their confidence. You know the old saying “LOSE YOUR CONFIDENCE AND LOSE YOUR TALENT”. Well in the case of Christina Liggio that is a non issue. She my friends embraces coaching with open arms. She is that rare young player that can take the heat and hard coaching. She eats tough coaching for breakfast. She wants the coaching. … she wants truth. You see Christina was never considered on the level of many other top 8th graders, as early as a year ago. But because of her attitude and willingness to outwork them… She passed those thought to be more talented and with bigger futures. You see Christina has a little thing called pride and toughness. It has allowed her to overcome rejection and disappointment. That’s why she has no interest in coaches kissing her butt or whispering sweet things in her ears. She wants the good stuff, the tough stuff. The stuff that makes a player grow and become special. Christina Liggio is on her way to being special and that’s a fact. Next week the best players in the 2025 class are meeting at Core Skills Training. It’s like every year will be a peek into the future. Christina Liggio will be at Core Skills and her future will be as bright as anyone’s in the gym.

The Liggio’s are a basketball family. There mom Jennifer was a All Shore, star player who played D1 basketball. Her younger twin sisters are two of the best players in the 2026 class. You wonder sometimes what do they do other than eat sleep and dream basketball. They have a real passion for the game. They talk about it, watch and live it. They’re that basketball family that just can’t get enough of the sport. They love the game, it’s comes natural to be in the gym. It’s what they do everyday like clockwork. Christina Liggio already knows how to practice and train. She already knows it’s about competition. She knows it’s about having a competitive nature. You see some kids want to be great and some kids want to work at being great.. well I’m here to tell you CHRISTINA LIGGIO IS GOING TO BE GREAT… because she is not willing to have it any other way.