BRE DELANEY… It must be a SJV thing🌈🏀💪

Yesterday NBS 2 kicked off. As usually I tired to put as much pressure on everyone in the gym as possible. I believe you must teach kids to compete and play hard. I believe kids have to learn how to win and must learn how to lose as well. But above all give there best and always never surrender. BRE DELANEY is the post child for my theory. The old saying those who work the hardest are the last to surrender must have been written for her.

People have been doubting Bre Delaney her entire basketball career. I think she likes it that way. She seems to love proving people wrong. She loves the look on the doubters faces after she does what seems is not possible. When she decided to attend SJV everyone said she’d never play. They had 12 D1 players and were ranked Top 5 in the country. SJV hasn’t lost a game in New Jersey in her entire career. They play for chips at SJV and nothing else. Bre Delaney has seen and played against the best her entire life. For the past three years everyday in practice she has had to play against 5 D1 guards everyday. Ashley O’Connor, Fordham..Emma Bruen, Central Conn.. Janine Bachmann Holy Cross.. top 20 guard in the nation Zoe Brooks and the best player in NJ basketball history, MADISON ST ROSE. Not to mention the young D1 guns like Sarah Karpell and Aleena Dinker breathing down her neck. Well she can thank all those teammates. Because without them, she would not found herself in the SJV starting lineup. She will never face that level of competition in college unless she rolls into a power 5 school.

This summer Bre Delaney played for the U17 HGSL SHORESHOTS. A team where every single player had a D1 offer or was committed to a D1 school. There seemed to be little room for her. But as we know Bre Delaney loves when you doubt her. Its why at times this summer she was the best player on the team. Her deadly jumper and creative game off the bounce left opponents starching there heads. That’s because Bre Delaney doesn’t look the part; she just plays it in awarding fashion. IT WAS SHE WHO BROUGHT THE SHORESHOTS HOME THIS SUMMER WITH A SEASON ENDING CHIP. That’s because she love watching doubters say… ”how’d she do that”

Yesterday at NBS I got a real laugh watching all the kids going to D1 or with D1 offers marching around. They have that swag most D1 players have. But it didn’t take long for BRE DELANEY to wipe all the swag away. That’s because on day one she treated everyone like farm animals. It didn’t matter if you were blind, cripple, crazy or a D1 guard. Bre Delaney proved she can guard the best of the best, pass with the best of the best and rebound better than any guard in the gym. Yes BRE DELANEY is just different. The IQ and competitive nature separates her from others. It must be a SJV thing

Here is a question. In the last 15 years, name a SJV PLAYER who didn’t go to college and kick ass. Name a player that didn’t play on a successful team. Name a player who didn’t impact at the next level. You can’t because SJV KIDS go to college totally prepared and are drama free, mega competitive and understand how to win… its why, when BRE DELANEY SIGNS AT A D1 school that school will not believe their luck. She will kick ass on and off the court in the weight room, film room and class room… FOLKS IT’S WHAT THEY DO AND DEMAND AT SJV… Bri Delaney is just the newest and latest SJV BALLER

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