Today if you want to learn, I’m going to give you a real chance. I’m going to kick you some knowledge. Now must of you will read this and in a few hours forget about it. That’s called human nature. But if you want to get recruited regardless of the level of play. You best wise to make a few notes. Because recruiting for high school kids is hard as hell. Next I’m going to tell you how to prepare and most importantly how to improve. Because most know how to sweat, few know how to get better

Let me start with this, if your a 8th grader understand the recruiting process has started for you. Do not listen to people saying it’s too early. It!s never to early to start with building the most important thing in recruiting…NAME RECOGNITION!

Most kids in high school are doing nothing right now in terms of recruiting. They are basically waiting around for the recruiting period to start and hoping something comes though. This is a massive mistake. I will tell you why later. Next most are relying on a AAU coach or someone with connections to open a door. This is another mistake. Few AAU coaches can open a door for you. Your game must open that door. This combined with your name recognition and preparation will decide your fate. If you believe anything else you’re lying to yourself.


  1. Many and most are deep into the portal and will building these rosters though the portal these days. Why is this important? Because come the July recruiting period. MOST AS IN A LOT of schools will be done with the 2026 recruiting class. Now please you must understand this.
  2. The April live period is now again important for high school kids. Especially underclassmen… I’m speaking to the ‘27 class and under. Remember many schools head coaches do not go out in April and that means no offers are coming. But you can build name recognition though asst coaches. You can get on their head coaches must see list.

3. Understand coaches are no longer recruiting potential. They want ready now players. So be ready now

4. Coaches have a priority recruiting list like always. The difference is they are no longer necessarily going to the 2nd and 3rd options unless they lack success in the portal

5. Understand come July recruiting needs change. Kids get hurt, kids transfer and kids have academic or off court issues. This will 100% take place. Why you must continue to contact school relentlessly.


  1. Only the high level D2 school give full rides

2. The best D2 programs are in the portal

3. Most D2’s recruit right up to the last day of the recruiting period

4. Many D2 give academic money so if you’re a good student, get your transcript out.


  1. Some D3 are like D1 programs. Know the dude T levels of D3
  2. Some give lots of aid and some do not.. the early you apply the better
  3. D3 is a full process get into it early

Now let’s get down to business. You want to get recruited? Then you better know what’s up for REAL. You will have folks advising you who are clueless but play the role very well.

1. First where is you 3 mins high quality highlight tape? Stop doing it on the cheap pay someone to do it right. And please stop showing jumper after jumper. Coaches are looking at form. Nobody has missed a shot in a highlight

2. Follow up when you post or email a highlight. You must follow up or your highlight is just one of a million others. Text, call, DM, not just the asst Coaches, reach out to the head coach as well

3. Sign up for Elite Camp EARLY AS IN REAL EARLY. You will catch the attention of the coaches… then follow up with a phone call or text

3. Stop with the Emails. Send hand written notes or letters

4. Your advocate must be on the phone everyday or there not a true advocate… this is big.

5. Understand everything you do must be personal.

6. Coaches are not going to find you. You must find them

7. Know what schools are looking for. Know if your a fit for there style of play.

8. YOU BETTER KNOW YOUR LEVEL OF PLAY. If your D3 stay in your lane. If your a mid Major D1 stay in your lane. If your a average student stop calling Harvard, stay in your lane

9. Ask Coaches to follow you on social media

Now what most don’t understand, this is when it usually goes bad from the start of the recruiting process. Kids are so worried about getting exposure but forget they must be good enough. So first let me give you 5 deal breakers

  1. If you can’t shoot if your form is bad. It’s a wrap
  2. If you don’t play with a motor it’s a wrap these days
  3. If you body doesn’t look conditioned.. forget it
  4. If your body language or attitude is bad… you better be a game changer or it’s a wrap
  5. If your parents are in the stands wilding out. It’s a wrap. One of the best players in NJ Zero offers because of daddy.

Now if you have any of these 5 issues, you’re in deep trouble. Do not let anyone tell you different.

Now to get prepared, first you have to know your situation.if you have offers great. But now you must protect them. Next if you do not have an offer and you’re in 10th grade or above. There is a reason, find out why by asking college coaches. Not your AAU coach, not your trainer or high school coach. Ask the people who call the shots, the COLLEGE COACHES. Stop guessing, I always ask coaches this about my kids “what do they need to do to win you over”. Sometimes they stay “ she!s not good enough” You cannot improve your recruiting if you don’t know you real situation, not BS talk

Now if your a 2026 without an offer. Let me be very clear. You’re fighting for your recruiting life. There will be many saying, you got time and not to worry. These folks are either off their rocker or trying to give you hope. Understand your ass is in deep DODO and you better understand this. You better sit down with someone who can help you navigate this process.Your parents think they know. But if your walking around March of your junior year without an offer there is a reason and they need to explain what it is. So I strongly advise you to get REAL answers.

THESE THINGS ARE Non-negotiable

  1. You better be in competitive training environment. Not getting drilled out
  2. You better understand 2 v 2, 3 v 3, 4 v 4, 5 v 5 and 1 v 1 rule the day
  3. Your weigh training better be worked around your court time. Not the other way around. This is hard for parents and kids to understand. Especially once someone tells them their kid needs to get stronger. But getting stronger and not better on the court means nothing but non recruitment. There is a reason colleges lift weights in the morning. So it doesn’t interfere with on court development. You better listen.
  4. You better stop trying to do it on the cheap. Training cost money and gym time cost money … ACCEPT IT OR MOVE ON. But you’re not beating the system. You paying one way or the other. But your paying
  5. SHOOT everyday, because this game is about buckets and if you can’t get buckets .. you not getting recruited. Shoot 7 days a week
  6. Make sure your condition is not good but rather elite. Remember nobody will tell you the truth about your conditioning. They simply talk behind your back
  7. Watch lots of video before the live period. Understand most kids talk about video free watch it consistently. The video don’t lie and is your best friend. If you and your trainer don’t watch video. Your a fraud and just sweating with no real purpose.

Now at the end of the day you must be willing to listen. Start with this, if you can’t get buckets. You not getting recruited. Stop listening to your trainer and inner circle tell you how you have improved. Get to the video because the video don’t lie


Let me start with this. If you’re a freshman or JV player last year, regardless of what your AAU coach tells you about exposure, unless you play for say the Philly Rise or Shoreshots for example. Nobody cares or are going to your games. If your a big time freshman recruit like Addy Nymcheck was for example, college coaches have already given you multiple D1 offers. But if you’re a regular freshman the recruiting period is for the experience and a chance to get better. This is really about the rising 2026’s and the varsity 2027’s. The AAU decisions you make are a big deal now. The fact of the matter is a bad decision now cannot be cleaned up as easily like it has been in the past and why being a good student is more important than ever. OPPORTUNITIES TO BE SEEN are not what it has been in the past. For this reason picking a AAU team is not easy these days. But I am going help you right now. Let me start with this, you have to know what level of player you hope to be. Now people don’t want to hear this but if you do not want to play D1. I say go play on a aau team that brings you the most happiness. But if you are looking to play D1. Understand it’s stressful and you have little wiggle room. Anyone telling you different is lying to you. So here are some facts when picking a AAU team, if D1 is the goal. If your not at a high visibility high school program you better listen to every word.

  1. Your AAU team must have multiple D1 players who are currently being recruited to suck in coaches. Now understand you can let your AAU coaches bullshit you; if that’s want you need. But if you don’t have confirmed D1 players on your team. THE COACHES ARE NOT COMING.
  2. Your team must be in the right events and play LEGIT competition. The days of teams playing In Bracket H and a few D1 coaches popping in for a peak in hopes of finding a unknow player are OVER
  3. Your AAU team better have a savvy social media platform. That not just puts up fancy hype videos. There social media better have real impact. It must drive coaches to games and build your name recognition at the same time.
  4. Your aau coach better have real impact with coaches. Coaches talk to everyone. But there are some relationships they lean in on and know they must cultivate LONG TERM.

Choosing your AAU team is serious business. If you are a current rising junior without a offer don’t panic. Simply build your name recognition and status. When it comes to the summer be very clear with your AAU coach, you want to play high level competition, no exceptions and do not bend or be flexible in regards to this. Next attend the events with the most coaches. Here is a dirty little secret, many AAU coaches will attend events to hopefully to be invited to join a brand league or circuit at some point, at your your kids expense. The more coaches at an event, the better chance a coach will walk down and see YOU…not your team but YOU play. Thats if you have built your name recognition over the months prior to the live period. Not everyone can play on a visible AAU team. But you can create a narrative for yourself. But it takes months to do so, not a few weeks, a few texts, tweets or emails….it’s a long term process and trust me: one you better master….BECAUSE IT’S NOT GOING TO BE A WALK IN THE PARK

Now clearly I can’t write about every situation. This is just a general road map for you. But if you really want the best advice you can get. Pick up the phone and call your local college coach. Now I realize many are afraid to do this. But I am here to tell you. If your not educated about all three of these topics your in trouble. And kids you better understand parents always..always, think they understand the recruiting process, especially if they had a kid go though the process a few years ago….listen to people with a proven track record and it will give you, your best chance to be successful

All these things will help you get started. But you better understand. Unless you are in high demand. You name recognition and recruiting status come the spring and summer are being established right now... DO NOT LET ANYONE TELL YOU DIFFERENT.

***NBS SPRING DATES AND Priority registration will start this week


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