The Period kicked off this weekend and there is lots to talk about. That is when it comes to the teams I saw. Some teams stepped up in a big way and set themselves up for future events. There were also a number of players who stepped up as well. Like every year there was the good, bad and ugly. Anyway you slice it, the weekend was a opportunity for all especially  those who did there homework in advance to the big weekend.




The  HGSL U17 Shoreshots  were clearly the team the got the most attention  from college coaches. All there games were packed with D1 coaches. The highlight  was there game vs the NY Gouchos which was a instant classic. There  was not a empty seat in the house and both teams did not disappoint. The Gouchos  won on a last 2nd shot with one second on the clock.

The  U17 Nj RISE( NAPOLITANO) had a great start to the AAU season. There went 3-1 losing in the championship  game. But the real story is how they dominated some quality  teams and the return of Hope Masonius. The Rise proved they can take on top competition and now have positioned themselves to have a big summer. Each of there games, saw a number of college coaches on hand.  There is no question  they mproved there team stock and coaches will want to see more of them.


THE 2026 SHORESHOTS are clearly the new “IT” team. While there are young, the  coaches still rolled into there games. The list featured Top 20 teams, P5 teams, High Majors and D1 schools from every level. Meanwhile  the 2026 Shoreshots  dismantled the competition


The U17 NJ GEMZ (COYLE) had a rough start to the live period. There is certainly enough talent for this team to Shine. By the end of the summer expect this crew to be much improved. The lack of a point guard was clearly a issue. Something easily fixed before the MAY LIVE PERIOD.


The CJ HAWKS (Westrol) was the surprise team of tbe weekend. They went 3-1 and had a number of college coaches checking there team out. They were impressive because they share the ball and get everyone involved. They are making a repuation  for playibg hard and hustling always. Players like Riley Fitzpatrick for example could really benefit from playing in such a well organized, healthy environment.  This is a team that come MAY  that could surprise everyone. They are a under valued crew that could have a monster summer.


The U15 NJ RISE (MASONIUS) went 3-1 amd clearly are  hoping to pick up where they left off last season. They have added some new pieces and look to have a big AAU season. They may not have the star power of the 2026 Shoreshots but they certainly  have the talent. There is no question  college coaches at some point will catch on.


THE PHILLY RISE U15 TEAM– I was shocked watching this team play. There lenght and size was mind blowing. ST. ROSE Freshman Jada Lynch is on this team. The speed and pace they play at is a site for sore eyes. They are long, strong, athletic and a college coaches dream











MAKAYLA  BLAKES NJ RISE U17 – She was outstanding  all weekend. She averaged over 20 points finishing 2nd in scoring in the EYBL Brackett.  There is no question  who the best player in New Jersey is right now.


KATIE COLLINS NJ GEMS U17- she could not have asked for a better start to the EYBL  AAU SEASON. She opened up the weekend with 20 points and 9 rebounds and never took her foot off the gas the rest of the weekend. Collins has Power 5 written all over her these days.


DANIELA MALETSKY NJ RISE U15– She flashed her entire bag to everyone this weekend. Her improved jumper and mid range game looked unstoppable. She then showed flashes of her great ability  to drive, score and  play playmaker. In a word she “SENSATIONAL”


TESSA CARMAN- 2025 HGSL SHORESHOTS- Carman was a grown  women among little girls this weekend. Her pace of play and effort were shocking at times. She led a 16 point 2nd half comeback to help her team go 4-0. She was dominant  in every game she played this weekend… RARE STUFF!

GIANNA CHUFFO TEAM SHARPE U17 She got lost this weekend by college coaches…MISTAKE! That’s  because she averaged 17 points and showed her point guard skills and leadership ability. There is no question the video don’t  lie and coaches would be wise to catch up with this talented D1 guard. This is a classic example of how the shorting recruiting days can hurt kids. Not to worry tho, because no way she can stay under the radar with this amount of talent and production.


AADY NYEMCHECK- 2026 SHORESHOTS- If there was ever a question who the best freshman in NEW JERSEY,  it became a silly   afterthought after this weekend. The “BAD WOMAN” went into her bag of tricks in front of P5 schools drooling and went to work. She is now 6ft about 20lbs heavier and unstoppable.




ALLISON  CANNON- NJ SHORESHOTS U17 HGSL– She showed college coaches she is the real deal and Mid Major D1 all will be fighting for her  services.


MEGAN SIAS- NJ SHORESHOTS u17 HGSL– The 6’3″ Sias was sensation  and at times electric with her overall complete game. The only question  is what is the ceiling especially  as she gets futher and futher away from her ACL surgery. A very scary thought.


HOPE MASONIUS- NJ RISE U17– Hope returned with a bang and a monster showing this weekend. She clearly is making a statement that she is one of the 5 best players in NJ. This weekend she looked every bit like one


HAYLEY COTTRELL- NJ RISE U17– She did her job all weekend and that is to knock down shots. Cottrell has looked like a next level shooter and last weekend proved just that. College coaches certainly  had to take notice.


CASSIDY KRUESI- CJ HAWKS WESTROL– Some kids get it. Finding the right fit is more important  than exposure. Why? What good is exposure  if you don’t  perform. CASSIDY  performed and also received the exposure. The perfect recipe on how to build your recruiting profile. Exactly  what she did.


LISSY LYONS- U14 SHORESHOTS– Yes, she is young and coaches may have not seem her. But I did and the SJV future baby, ended all debate who is the best freshman in the 2027 class. She was masterful  all weekend and coaches soon will be calling.



They were a number of high profile recruits who stock and reputations took a major hit (trust me nobody will tell them, this is the case). In most cases it was  due to poor performance. They either were in bad environments to showcase there talent or recieved little playing time.


There is no question some teams especially u17 teams had no college coaches at there games. It puts kids in a tough spot because playing in front of coaches is what AAU is all about. In most cases it because they did not land in the right inner circle. AAU coaches often paint a picture that is a Mirage, that kids only realize after they don’t see the coaches at games.


Many as in too many kids came I to this live period unprepared.  Some kids clearly did little outside of there AAU environment. More importantly  while coaches don’t want ball hogs, it’s hard to get noticed without some ability  to shoot the ball.


Now  everyone says they played in the Top bracket and played good competition.  Folks the tape don’t lie and everyone is not playing good competition. But they should because coaches are no longer watching low level AAU TEAMS or competition. No matter how many times you post “we played good competition and played in tbe top Bracket”… folks these are professional  coaches.


I’m sure the event in OHIO was great. United u17 was there, so I know the competition was great. But the fact of the matter is this. The East Coast teams at that event were lost from a social media and buzz stand point. Out of site and out of mind. No matter how many coaches are or are not watching.


FINALLY  coaches please I beg you to stop saying “it’s only one weekend” to kids. I understand  you want to keep a kids spirits up. But you must find another way. Those kids who did not perform or failed to prepare  wasted a opportunity. They only have 3 more weekends this year; to get it right. Does that come with a great deal of pressure and stress? You bet and that’s  all part of the deal if you choose to play AAU. Coaches please give it to the kids straight, there is not alot of time. In fact most are running out of time.




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