Yesterday was a big day for Sophia Sabino and Fordham University. I will get to that tomorrow. But today is Thanksgiving and today is about being THANKFUL for the things in one’s life. Well there are two people who should be thankful for something called friendship…Sophia Sabino and Justine Pissott. Today both should remember their friendship is unbreakable because of history. It’s their history together that has made their friendship special.


The thing about Friendships is they’re always being tested. When Justine Pissott and Sophia Sabino where in 4th grade. They played on a team with a bunch of girls from the Jersey Shore. They were on their first true basketball team together. They were babies, who liked the pizza and ice cream after the games more than they like the games themselves. The team was made up of real friends and kids too young and innocent to care about points and credit. So when the team split up and all the players on the team where invited to join the new team except them. Their hearts broken and they were too young to understand why they couldn’t be part of the team anyone. What they didn’t understand was that their first taste of AAU. It made them realize, sometimes it’s about the parents and not the kids. But Justine and Sophia better be THANKFUL they were left behind. Because the two were forced to lean on each other and thats exactly what they been doing ever since.

When Justine and Sophia played for the ShoreShots newly formed AAU team. They learned what it feels like to be humbled. They lost games and just about every game by 30 points. But what the two did not know, was they were getting ready to do something BIG together. They were getting ready to do something epic. The two were gym rats and they and their parents somehow saw the big picture. They understood winning grammar school games in the long run, meant nothing. Their development was what mattered most. The hard part was the snicking that took place behind their backs. They heard the laughs and felt the stares. But FRIENDSHIPS make that easier to handle when you have a friend backing you up. Justine and Sophia better be THANKFUL that they found each other. Because he who laughs last always laughs best.



The 2021 ShoreShots are the rock stars of AAU basketball these days. They’re not a sneaker team. Many are jealous of their notoriety. But those people don’t understand, they’re just a bunch of girls who got together, worked hard and made magic happen. These were the girls nobody wanted, who willed themselves into D1 players(every player has a D1 offer except one). People today see the wins, championships and all the Scholarships. But what they don’t remember is Justine Pissott and Sophia Sabino were there during the tough times. When it wasn’t all cookies and cream in the beginning but rather tears and pain on most game days. Yet the two never left for greener pastures or gave up on each other. They did things different than any other AAU team or players. They hung in there and helped make something special happen together. It’s why they will be tied to the hip forever. They should be very THANKFUL for the hard times because it gave them memories and more important an appreciation for all the good coming there way these days.


Sophia Sabino and Justine Pissott have a lot to be THANKFUL for today. Like having Joe Montano as their high school coach. They both should be THANKFUL they get two more years together, because best friends don’t get these moments very often. Playing for championships and making dreams come true TOGETHER. Fighting off the haters together. Supporting each other. Being the backbone for each other and yes crying together. These are the days they will cherish and remember most. These are the days that the stories are made that they will tell their children…oh Justine and Sophia most indeed need to be THANKFUL for these times.


Last month Justine Pissott left the 2021 Shoreshots. She is a year younger. She knew it was her only move. She is being recruited by everyone in the county. She wants to play for USA basketball. There were parades and smiles from the haters. The snickering had returned. It somehow meant that Sabino and Pissott friendship would explode. It meant drama maybe within the ShoreShots organization. It was vindication for the haters. You know “we couldn’t do, so couldn’t they”. They’re finally just like us, they thought. This was their time to gloat and be joyful, to gossip and invent stories. Sadly the haters forgot friendships are bigger than basketball. Sadly they forgot the Justine and Sophia will play in high school for two more years together and maybe beyond that. Sadly they forget Justine and Sophia continue to still sleep over each others homes. Sadly they forgot Justine Pissott and Sophia Sabino …love each other. They both should be very THANKFUL that they get to make jokes behind the haters backs and I have heard some good ones…LOL…Justine and Sophia are nothing like the others. There are true friends for life…and that is something they can be very THANKFUL FOR!


When Sophia Sabino heard Justine was leaving the Shoreshots, she cried. Because she has never played basketball without Justine beside her.The two are like sisters. Justine cried because she knew she had to leave but was leaving her best friend. They both should be THANKFUL that anything could stir so much emotion in their lives. Only real friendships make you rain tears….BE THANKFUL YOUNG LADIES… because it hard to find things that move you to tears!


When Sophia Sabino was on a recruiting trip a coach asked her, how she felt about Justine Pissott leaving the ShoreShots. She broke down and cried. She cried because she was reminded her friend was not going to play AAU with her anymore. Justine Pissott, knows nothing can break the bond between she and Sophia. She is more upset because she knows the haters are out there saying “we told you”. Well that’s because haters don’t understand what friendships mean because they are too busy hating on greatness… LIKE A GREAT FRIENDSHIP.


On Saturday Sophia Sabino told me she was going to commit to a school. I told her “she made a great decision”. Then I told her “do not tell Justine Pissott” because I knew that’s the first thing she would want to do. I tell both girls do not share recruiting information with each other. I know behind my back they do… it’s why both should be THANKFUL that they can trust each other with anything. Tomorrow will be Sophia’s big day in the sun. But it won’t mean a thing if she can’t share it with her best friend JUSTINE PISSOTT….NOW THAT’S SOMETHING TO BE THANKFUL FOR….HAPPY THANKSGIVING LADIES…. I LOVE YOU BOTH!














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